Convoy BD06: Anybody?

Judging by the good looks of this light, I’m a bit surprised to find very few mentions of it here on BLF and no critical
detailed reviews of it anywhere on the interweb.

What seems to be pulling this light into unnoticed oblivion?

Yes got one
good quality
feel good, nice and thick tube (26650 cells)

I love the charging mechanism, a click on thingy
You click it on the side button (a clicky switch) and attach a standard USB cable to get t to charge.
in the reflector a red light is glowing when charging that turns green when done

I have not done too much charging cycles.
My BD01 is well over 120 cyles now, it is the same system
It charges to 4.23V every time

The 06 is slightly shorter and the head is smaller so it is easier to pocket.

A very nice light.
But still in the testing proess.

I too have wondered why no more interest. I’ve been looking at it for a month or so and just haven’t gotten around to buying one. The Miller what is the beam like on it? Throwy, floody, in-between?

Shape and size of the hotspot and spill it roughly the same as a Convoy C8 with OP reflector
It is a litte less bright then a stock C8

The parts of the BD01 and 06 Lego (the tubes and tails)
The tube of the 06 has ano on both threads so 2 lock out options, the 01 only 1
The 0 has the space under the tail spring for the 18650 rings, the 06 does not so the tail is a little flatter/shorter

The BD06 is about the same length as a Convoy C8
The C8 has a slightly broader head (but the reflector of the C8 is bigger, the bezel of the BD06 is thicker and the reflector smaller
So the BD06 pockets easier then a C8

The BD01 lets the voltage drop a bit more before starting to warn a recharge is needed, at 3.4/3.5 the 6 starts blinking.

Both can be used while charging.

The Miller, could you post quick photo of size comparison between BD01 and BD06 as you have both? I was looking for some pictures with whole BD Convoy family and it seems there is none. I might be getting one of these for a gift but it’s hard to decide on the form factor with no direct size comparison.

Yeah but I shut down PC
So tomorrow

Do you mean gift for you or to gift to somebody else?
I don’t think the BD01 or 06 are lights for people who know about flashlights.
They are hard to mod (I won’t get them apart to see the driver without breaking them I fear) and the UI is very basic with blinkies you can’t avoid
As gift the BD01 is excellent now that I trust the charging. Very neat for people who just want an easy to operate and charge light.
Testing the bd06 so cannot say if this is a good present as well.

Considering getting this as my first 26650 light. A bit disappointed by the driver/output though. Are there any other single-26650 lights I should be looking at?

No hurry - those chinese vendors developed my patience considerably:) Much appreciated.
//If you by any chance have Ultrafire F13, picture with this light would be very helpful as I have one of those.

For somebody else. Non-flashoholic type person :wink: Considering this versus 4xAA lights to avoid bare li-ion handling. BD series seems perfect - you just charge it like your mobile phone or laptop so li-ion associated risks are minimized. I would suppose charging performance to be similar to BD-01, but will check myself the resulting voltage.
Similar performance 4xAA lights costs considerably more. Added bonus for BD-06 is the neutral tint version (T6-4C) so no LED swap necessary.

OOH rats, almost forgot this.
just took a piece of paper I have been doodling on for the Q8 tail pcb and put ir on my notebook, took some pics with my phone, it gives an idea I hope.

All Convoys
S2+ S2 BD06 C8 BD01

BD06 C8 BD01

BD06 C8

Nice pics, The Miller! Thanks for that.

Great to compare the Convoy size differences.

Thanks for the pics! I’m trying to explain o my wife why I need this light and the L6, so far it’s not working lol.


n case of the BD01 it is easy, you need one to have something to give a person so that person can hav a Li Ion powered bright light yet without the trouble of educating about charging :smiley: Sure she wants you to give safe things right :wink:

Thanks for pics, The Miller!
Now I know I need to buy both :stuck_out_tongue:

Just came across this review, can’t understand him but the beamshots kinda speak for themselves. He also has another in depth review.

BD06 youtube review

Thanks for the comparison pictures. You’re spot on about this being a “gift light”. I’ve pretty much considered the Convoy BD rechargeable series as just that. Safe to give people who you don’t trust to learn all they need to. I ordered a BD01 close to a year ago. I loved the quality but the mode setup and performance were just so-so. Okay thinking about it, the mode setup falls just short of so-so IMO but I’m truly a flashlight snob now. At some point I may start a thread about this but I just don’t have time now. Getting to my point, I didn’t know the BD06 was coming out. It surprised me too. I talked with Simon about this just last night. I’m waiting for him to get back to me with a few details on the driver and then we are going to redo the UI for the BD series with better modes. Most people, even modders here don’t want to tinker too much because nobody wants to mess with the charging feature as it’s too nice to ditch. I think the concept of these is brilliant and I love the quality built-in charging. The build quality is also top-notch but the modes stink… not for long though. :smiley: I got this. :wink:

Awesome… I’d love to see a true moon, direct drive turbo, both directly accessible from any mode including off… AND a max efficiency (lumens per watt) medium mode.

Asking too much?

And can we get it with 5000k quad emitters? :o)

A rebate came in the mail a couple of weeks ago and I said “yea extra flashlight money. Poppa needs a new light.” I got “the look”.

My Manker E-14 arrived today. :smiley:

Fortunately it is all in good fun.


Review with Beamshots BD06.

Do you have any estimated time frame? Is it days, weeks or months? I will probably wait nevertheless - bad modes are only thing that was keeping me from buying this light.
I would love for it to have similar interface to BLF A6. Or at least two decent mode groups.

Not quite yet. Days is a no. A few weeks minimum but it could be a month or more. If it helps, I think within a few weeks I will have a much more solid idea of the total time frame…