So I ordered the Clear Convoy C8 last year and I really do love it. Very well made and bright. I find the beam is actually too tight for me though lol. I know it’s designed as a thrower and it’s great at that. I’m wondering if swapping in another LED would open up the beam or would it not make a big difference? I’ve been trying to find beamshots of different C8 lights with different emitters but haven’t had much luck. I love the look of my C8 which is why I would like to swap the emitter rather then buy another.
I think you might like a orange peel reflector or some DC-Fix for the lens, or maybe a combination of both. That will give you a bit more flood and still be able to quickly change back to throwy if you need it. As long as you are happy with the tint of the emitter now that is.
No, DC-Fix kind of diffuses the beam. Kind of makes the hot spot spread out more and have a smoother transition from the hot spot to the spill. Check out this thread. There are some good before and after shots of some folks using it. I use it in a lot of lights that I use around the house and out in the yard. I love the stuff. If I can find a few pics of before and after that I have I will post them here shortly.
Here is a before and after on a cheap tube light with a ugly beam.
Hmm maybe I’ll try that, I mostly just wanted a bigger hotspot with more spill though. I’ve tried glad press and seal and some other stuff as diffuser and wasn’t too happy with results.
You have a XP-L Hi in the C8?
clear c8 is xpl hi. xpl v6 is a nice led with a dome on it. you need a 20mm mcpcb for c8.
you will also need some thermal paste for the mcpcb.
Have you seen the new convoy c8+?
its nice looking and you can order it as a host. if you’re allready got your soldering iron out why not make yourself a light with a fet+7135 driver in it?
XPL, XPL2 (if you can cope with the tint shift), XM-L2, SST40 and Luxeon V1 are all eligible candidates for a bigger hotspot.
See which one you can source more easily, as well as the CRI/tint options and go for it.
I have a Convoy C8 with the XP L2 and DC Fix. Nice smooth beam with no hot spot.
Do you happen to know anyone with a C8 that has a different LED in it so that you can see if you like it? The difference between the XPL HI and regular XPL or even XML is significant in a C8. However, when you compare a C8 with a domed emitter to a light designed more for flood, the C8 still seems really throwy. Just putting that out there so that you don’t go to the trouble of swapping emitters and find you still aren’t happy. Maybe an orange peel reflector with a new emitter as someone else suggested would work. Of course at that point, you may as well just spend a few dollars more and pick up an S2+
I’ve got several C8’s.
Starting with an old Ultrafire C8 Originally Q8. Updated to a XML pill
Another with an XML Hi pill 6000k.
A Sofurn C8T. and a Convoy C8+ XPL-Hi. ALL Smooth reflectors.
ALL Throwers.
They range from (1) WARM with a diffused Spot.
(2) Cool with a very nice defined spot and usable spread for walkabout.
(3)The “T” Throws a coolish 5000k defined spot. a long way.
and the C8+, (4) Throws a lovely 5000k a little further.
Slightly warmer. with a slightly diffused spot and good spread combined.
The + is “probably my most used now, but mainly cause of the body style.
There’s VERY little difference between the T and +.
Both around $33AUD.
Both throwing a looong way past the Ultrafire’s.
But they, being cheap and efficient for around $10 buks
are a good deal for your money.
I don’t like S2 style much. Loose grip/cold hand. I’ve dropped them a coupla times.
Stepped collar on C8’s. It can’t happen.
Plus the spread you get with selected throwers nowadays.
there’s little reason to restrict yourself to a spread with little distance
unless you in backyard etc.
thanks for the great feedback a lot to think about. I don’t know of anyone else into flashlights so I cant compare sadly. It seems most people like the XP-L Hi emmiter mine has so maybe i will keep it as a dedicated thrower. Seems I may be better looking at something with either multiple emmiters or larger emmiter. I like the Convoy L6 but bit more then I like to spend.
The L2 is a nice one and people play with it. LED etc.
Smaller head than 6.
The C8+ is a nice update capable of a lot more output with mod’s.
My Fav, is an Imalent DN35 (plus DN70). $40 ish with coupons.
Small VERY powerful with great spread and throw.
Another thought for difference. maybe.
Is a SKYRAY-King (Coke can style) 4 x 18650’s.
Mine has 9 x XML’s in there. WALL of light with decent reach.
In the late $20’s. early $30’s.
They reliable and give waaay more than most would need.
I also have a 3 x LED dual 18650 cell elect On/OFF slide switch
Divers light. VERY robust you don’t have to worry about dropping
or going in pool with it. $24/26ish.
An Astrolux AO1 (me). C8+. Imalent DN35, Convoy L2. Convoy L6.
with one coke can. (S41 quad nice too but gets hot).
And. Plus. etc.
That’s your total requirements for a full (average) within your vision range.
Set of cheap reliable LED torches.
The other 40 plus were just trials to get there. Not counting the coppers.
A lot of fun and dollars. Mostly UNDER $20 ea. Couple over.
Have fun, It’s VERY addictive… Learn to control it or missus will have your nuts every statement day, believe me.
I’ve got agreement with mine.
$30 pw… For choice of lottery ticket. OR to spend on rubbish 9(torches).
I’m 77yrs, don’t NEED much nowadays. (Bin ther, Dun that. mostly)
What I ain’t. Probably ain’t gonna get dun now. chuckle.
Well when the power is out my wife doesn’t complain lol. I also collect coleman lanterns so I’m set for lighting. I find collecting flashlights is like my knife collecting, I get a bunch and keep what I like then give the others to friends as gifts.
We get power outs round here in Cyclone season. But I have a caravan (trailer to you)
with Air-cond. So have a 3.8kva Genny.
Supplies whole home with Air-cond and etc.
So we right.
Will run next door too as long as he leaves A/C off.
I was wondering what the usuable spill is like on the Sofirn C8F compared to my light? I imagine with 3 leds it would have more ?