February 19, 2020, 5:07pm
bought the 8x 7135 of this and popped it in my c8
soldered the wires nicely on a 3v sst40
spring burnt its bumhole off and a 7135 turned white
spring got hot . good job i turned it off fast
i even covered the mcpcb with tape so there was not shorts
has anyone else had a DOA driver 17mm
thanks guys
February 19, 2020, 5:48pm
Never had QC problems, the only issue i am aware off is the possibility for jamming the programming feature, as discussed many times by Toykeeper.
The old skool drivers with old FW are extremely robust, have stacked them many times.
February 19, 2020, 6:27pm
Could I just take the 7135s off the back and maybe replace the paint and all would be good
The front 7135/ looked good , I think I have to get my meter out and check
February 19, 2020, 6:52pm
wow this is wierd
i took out the led and tested the voltage on the wires
4.2 volts
maybe my led was a dud
ill try another led when i get one
thanks yokiamy
The 17mm driver Convoy uses in the S2+ with SST40.
It’s a 5A driver.Both springs in the light are bypassed
The 20mm SST driver is 6A
This driver has temperature protection