Ya I know a bunch of threads all over the place, but Im stupidly new to flashlights. Understand some stuff but more my problem is, gotta learn how to tinker with them (more possible fun thing to do vs bike lights).
Right now I have a convoy L4 that will be here in a couple days, was considering adding a C8 to the mix (not sure if I want that or something smaller in 18650 size). But Convoy seems to be a solid way to go from what i have been digging up around here. Not a big investment.
I get the whole new springs for lower resistance etc type stuff, but Drivers….no Idea where to start. And No cant mess with firmware (dont know where to begin with that yet).
Goal is balance of efficiency and output. Dont want to trash run time by cranking the hell outta things and dont want to spend rediculous money on some crazy fancy driver. Dont need something like that (at least at the moment lol, Bike lights werent supposed to go that route and still cheap, but went kinda nuts). I already have some new U4 1Cs and U3 1As sitting here to change out emitters, few noctigons, etc lol.
So can you guys pile in some info here in one place so I dont get another headache trying to sort all this out.
C8 is great, everyone needs at least one. M1 and S2 lines are fantastic too.
As for drivers… best to start with familiarizing yourself with the major manufacturers and the 3 types of drivers, buck, boost, and direct drive. (that is correct, right guys? I’m still new myself).
Then start learning about the 7135 chips and what they do, how changing those changes the driver and resulting light output… then I’d see where you are at in terms of what you WANT to know, what you NEED to know, and what you DO know and go from there.
QLITE REV.A 7135*8 3.04A LED DRIVER - 17mm flashed with guppydrv ($1.25 more) is the cat’s meow. No soldering stars to change modes. Just some button presses to set the mode you want.
For example, I chose mode 17. Tap your switch 8 times real fast and the flashlight will start blinking. Then tap it 17 times. Light will blink telling you it is now programmed.
Thnx guys I working on sorting this out little by little. Trying to mess with my L4 first (haven’t ordered the other one yet) to learn my way around a flashlight.
I am trying to sort out the driver you guys linked though. Not much too it (for components). Does that thing still just run a flashlight on its own.
Ok got an s2+ on the way, after my points was like $11 lol.
Very impressed with this L4 stock but if I liked stock everything I wouldn’t be here.
Didn’t like the pure spot going on, dont need to search the skies. So op reflector and AR lens from mtnelectronics. Put AR lens in right away, didn’t expect that change in intensity lol. That was this morning when the package got here.
Now op reflector installed and I like that much better. Hot spot has plenty of throw for me, but the extra light outside of that is much better.
Then, I had ordered a U4 1c on 20mm noctigon (didn’t have a 20mm so saved myself the trouble of reflowing).
Decided the 24awg wire to the mcpcb wasn’t cutting it for me, 20awg now.
I am confused, these drivers your listing in assuming are for s2 etc??? Too small for L4?
Also, using unprotected red Panasonics at the moment in it (I did install extension so I can use 2 cells) and I know the L4 (and others) start flashing at you when they have low voltage but it that enough protection wise? Cells were balance charged before installation (and of course will be when charge is needed). Basically is that warning early enough that I’m not going to screw up my cells?
Cant go wrong with Convoy lights. I’ve got a c8 and a S2. Really pleased with both as the quality and performance is excellent. I recently ordered a M1 which should arrive any day now.
My favorite EDC is my convoy S2. Only issue has been on high (2.8A) it heats up, so I tend to use medium. For the size of a S2 or S2+, possibly 2.1A is a better choice for general use.
Hey Rolz Agree with your comments re Convoy, the quality & price seem to be amazing. I have my first Convoy on order, a Red S2+ with a 2.1A driver for the same reason that you mentioned.
Yeah it got a built-in pill now it seems. I was just about to order one on FT but ended up ordering a S2 instead. I think I’ll wait for the new C8 version to show up first. Must be a bit tricky to solder the wires to the led or maybe it’s easier to solder the led first and the driver last. Someone should order one directly from Convoy and test it.
I also noticed this new C8. I originally wanted to get another C8 with XML2 from Banggood that currently has it for $13.8. Now I’m not sure. Does the integrated head make a big difference in a 2.8A flashlight?
At 2.8A it won’t make much difference but “no pill” design is surely better than having a removable pill at least from extracting heat side of the view.
FYI: I was warned by Simon that BG was selling fake Convoy C8 lights (didn’t even know they exist)! He also provided images of fake lights. I personally don’t see the difference but since this is his product and he officially protected “Convoy” brand it is in his best interest to find fakes and eliminate them and I think he is doing that by constantly upgrading his lights so he would always have something new to offer…
I didn’t know either until I mentioned Banggood to Simon when he warned me about fakes, I was surprised just as you are.
He did not mention Gearbest.
I presume that Convoy C8 is most easily copied because it is, should I say, standard design that almost anyone can reproduce, and it is one of the most selling lights.
This is the first I’ve heard of fake Convoy lights but it was bound to happen. That’s a shame.
To be sure you are buying genuine Convoy you can buy directly from Simon at his Aliexpress store. http://www.aliexpress.com/store/330416
Mountain Electronics carries some Convoy lights and hosts in the US and are certainly genuine. Mountain Electronics
Fasttech should also be a safe bet. https://www.fasttech.com/
I’ve purchased genuine Convoy lights from all three and all are excellent lights. Convoy gives value and quality per dollar that is unmatched in my opinion. In the Convoy line I own an early C8, an S3, S2+ and an M2. I love all of them. When it comes to very high quality budget lights and hosts Convoy is always the first brand that comes to mind.
I’m trying to figure out out the integrated head cause my L4 looks the EXACT SAME with the lens/reflector and star removed. L4 I have is already “integrated” which is basically no pill just head is machined with solid flat surface instead of separate pill pressed in.
Dont get or see the difference in the “c8 vs the ”L4” except my l4 cones with extension tube to hold 2 cells instead of one.
There is nothing to figure out here. L4 was designed like that from the start while current C8 that you see now is newest, 3rd generation of Convoy C8 flashlights. 1st and 2nd had a pill this one doesnt, thats it, take it or leave it.
P.S. In flashlights, pill is usually screwed down and not pressed in…