【convoy】M21H bezel available now


@puglife2, better capacity retention at high current :slight_smile:

I just smiled so much it hurt my face!

the box for L6/L7 with 26800 extension tube is not long enough

Very honored!

Will Convoy S3’s head fit on a Convoy S2+ body? If so, does it need the square threads or trapezoidal threads?

If it fits it would be square threads (if it’s a recent S2+/S3 at least). Unfortunately my S3 is still 2 to 3 weeks away from delivery, otherwise I could have tried it right away.

uh ,it’s different

A side effect of this is that it makes for an enjoyable buying experience. No stress with limited time deals, no spending time looking up the best deal or double checking if the specs are true or not. You get a good flashlight without all the bs. It’s one of those things why I keep coming back to Convoy. Plus I prefer my hard earned money ending up with someone who actually cares and sticks to his principles. It seems that’s pretty rare these days. All this easily makes you my favorite flashlight seller Simon :+1:

Is it possible to get 26800 L8 but with regulated driver like 4x18?

Absolutely, it’s wonderful just being able to buy something when it suits and when I want it, not having to watch for a month to figure out what it is actually worth - watching prices go up and down all over the place.

How different is the M21F compared to the M21B when it comes to flood/throw? GT- FC40 emitter.

Should be very similar. M21F has a slightly larger reflector (about 2mm larger in depth & diameter) so it will produce a slightly narrower beam.

install 4X18A driver in L8?
the size is different

Oh no. :frowning: I was hoping for better regulation on L8, similar to 4x18.

Simon, thank you for all your incredible work and making Convoy flashlights possible. I just received my latest order with two more C8+’s to complete the set. These are tremendously fun lights.

For anyone wondering (left to right)
• Osram W1 White
• Luminus SFT40 6500K
• Osramber^TM (with 8x7135 driver)
• Osram W1 Red
• 365NM UV (with ZWB2 filter & buck driver)
• Osram W1 Blue
• Osram W1 Green
• Nichia 519A 4500K (dedomed)

Every one of these has had a forward clicky switch and FW3A clip installed (silver, orange, and black bodies required some modification but the rest worked with zero adjustment). I’ve also installed body-color switch boots where possible. Soon I’ll be installing magnetic tailcaps on all of them as well so they can be used with their diffusers as hanging lanterns.

Great lineup, sir. It doesn’t get much better than that, and to have a manufacturer that offers such a diverse array of products and modding options is an exceptional gift to the hobby.

BTW, I enjoyed your 519A de-doming video. You should link it somewhere on BLF if you haven’t already.

I’m glad you like the video! It seems like the tweezer method works fine for most people, but I’ve seen a couple reports that it can pull the phosphor off too for some users. Cheule actually released a fantastic video today that details a better and safer way to dedome 519A’s if you can get the LED out of the host. Check it out below.

Nice lineup! And bonus points for original naming :wink:

Simon, I ran into an quality issue with the triple mcpcb (the TIR combo). There are some very sharp edges right where the wires go. It was easily fixed for a single board by filing the edges by hand. But it’s probably not good if this ends up in mass production, since this might cut the wire insulation and cause a potential short.