OH BOY! |( NO extension for the L2? |( But I know why… if he did make a 2x26650 extension for the L2, who would want his “NEW VERSION”? As far as the E-Switch I would like it…IF it had a push button and it also activated the light too? Take the UranusisonFire 818, it has both E-switch and push button, and you have the choice of using one or the other to activate the light and the push button locks it out too, way cool!!! Or it might as well be a X6?
The bigger and fatter the light, the more important a side switch becomes. Larger lights are difficult to shift in one hand from a “pointing” grip to a “mode selection” grip. So the side switch is a game changer for sure.
That said, the kill switch in the tail ensures safe travel, long term emergency storage with no drain, and a lock-out ability for various reasons.
I cry out for a side switch too. :_(
The Convoy L4 is a favorite due to it’s combination of tail clicky and side e-switch. Carry on with that lineage and be popular or lose out to the other guys.
I don’t like tailcap clicky + e-side switch on larger lights. It’s good on single cells like the L4, but on large flashlights I much prefer just a side switch. Anodized tailcap threads for lockout.
Though if it comes down to having both or just the tailcap clicky I would definitely rather have both.
Well, I'm all bout side switch's for sure now. I got the lock-out feature built in the 85 firmware now, so it's a lot more secure (I'm using this lock-out feature every day now). For DIY modding pleasures, it's sooooo much better to have a switch mounted in the housing with just 2 wires hanging out into the pill, like a SRK. Much better driver options this way. If Simon had a host with both side switch and tail switch, best of both worlds, to name a few: Yezl Y3, Eagle Eye X6R, UranusFire 818, Convoy L4 (Simon's), Warsun X60 and their re-branded equals, etc.
Also (I think) that type of housing mounted switch should hold up much better. I've had a couple of driver mounted switch's fail on me - they were repairable, but still... They have to take a lot of force, and for the types where just 2 soldered joints are holding it down, besides two thru hole plastic pins, it shouldn't last long by design. There are, of course, better designs and poorer designs. The SolarStorm SC0n series of lights have a tab on top of the switch that extends into a slot in the pill top, so you have a much better secure mount that can take more force.
What I did was submit the order with a message, asking for the discount. Then Simon updates the price of that order.. Then you pay. On Ali, the order can be made, then you can pay for it at a later time.
This is pretty much the response I expected to hear about the decision to cancel the side switch. Halo, buddy if it makes you feel better you are the first person I was sad for when Simon told me that. :_( You’ve been screaming for a side switch since I said “new L2”. I don’t think there is any need for a poll. For what it’s worth I just sent Simon one final message on behalf of “the little switch that should have been”. I told him that I announced the details of the new light and every comment I got about the switch removal was sadness. I made it very clear that BLF does not agree with this decision. I’m not going to beat a dead horse if he holds his ground but one last shout form “the voice of the people” can’t hurt. I can’t say whether or not it will change his mind but I started doing this for Simon because he needed a way to speak to BLF just as much as I thought he needed to hear the voice of BLF. I put equal value on praising the good stuff as I do telling him when we don’t like something. I’ll still own the new light when it comes out but I’ll be just a little happier if this new light has a side switch. I’ll keep you all posted.
There are lots of lights that use 2x cells that do not have a side switch. - If the “new” Convoy L2 doesn’t have “both’ switches, then I would not be interested in buying one. - The light is just too large to work with one hand without a side switch.
Glad you enjoyed! I broke my vow and sent him another message. I forwarded your comment and a handful of others. I told him I’ll stop after this but felt he should know what his own fans are saying! I’m calling it quits for now. Good night all. Simon’s going to read all my emails tonight and wonder if he should block my email account .
Tthe UranusFire 818 is a diamond in the rough. With a few design changes, it would be a awesome flashlight. It just gets no love or respect around here because of its unfortunate name.
Yeah well, getting back to the L2, with out the 2x26650 additional tube |( , I won’t be buying any more, (I like having options) I have a L2 and a Host coming, I’ll get rid of the L2 and make the host the way I want. With the 2x26650 tube, I would have bought a few more, that ain’t happening now, I have enough single cells and lady lights already :Sp
Agree… a light so heavy (and long if multi-cell) is not practical to operate via a clicky. Also, as mentioned, best of both worlds, why not? I’m all for the side switch, PLEASE! What does Simon mean by “side switch is no good for DIY”. Can we get clarity on this, because then we can clearly understand why he does not like the e-switch?! So, if the DIYers want a side switch, how can it not be good for DIY
Maybe something is getting lost in translation since English isn’t Simon’s first language? Maybe he’s confusing switch mounted on driver, not a driver that has wires going to a side mounted switch?
Personally I like e-switch. If it’s mounted on the driver I will just design one to fit that light specifically, it can have any functionality I like, as long as its a good quality switch. If it’s wired to the body then even better. Ever since getting the X6R I’m hooked on e-switch lights.
Well, many e-switch lights have the switch mounted on the driver itself (as most of you know). Maybe he means if he does that, it wouldn’t be good for a “DIY host” because the driver wouldn’t be included?
And I imagine it’s overall a more time consuming design to produce, thus being more expensive.
Just a button with 2 wires coming out would work fine and not get in the way. The Solarforce M9 has this and it can just be wired to 2 of the attiny pins if needed, there is a thread on it somewhere. A driver mounted switch would be a bit harder to mod.