Convoy L2 SBT90.2 possible?

Yes, I believe this would be the solution, but then we’re quickly over 100usd on the whole project.

Then I would need to figure our something interesting for L2 head with L6 tube, maybe a huge UV mule… :nerd_face:

Could you please point out which one it is? Can a FET always handle everything the battery can supply?

Yes, it’s expensive.

Did you have the silver L2 host already?

How about just getting one of the SBT90.2 lights convoy already sells and stripping the anodising to make it silver?

What is the process to strip the anodizing? What are advantages/disadvantages? I assume the Aluminum wound become a bit more vulnerable to scratches, correct?

Plenty of threads on this, either use the built-in search function or just Google: strip anodisation site:budgetlightforum.

Yes surface of aluminium is less hard than the anodising, but because it’s all the same colour, scratches/dings won’t show as much as if it was a scratch on black anodising.


Wait, this means the L2 is being phased out?!?

Please tell me I misunderstood that comment!

Uhh…unless I misunderstood and Simon just means he’s no longer doing the L2 tube separately…?

I thought discontinued L2 made sense, it’s been superseded by a bunch of other models…?

OK I had to ask. Here’s the exchange:

“Are there plans to discontinue the L2 host? It’s a model that suits a build that I like to sell to users and I’d hate to see it go. Thanks!”


Yesterday 19:22

“Even if I don’t stop the production of this flashlight model, I may change the place where the driver circuit will be installed in the next batch. It is possible for me to extend the place where the drive circuit is installed to 22mm.Or even 30 millimeters.”

So maybe a next gen L2? I think a 22mm pocket would be great. There are lots of very nice drivers there and if you want a 20mm there is a step down ring.

30mm would be a little more challenging, but I suppose a step down ring could be employed there too (albeit one doesn’t exist yet).

2 Thanks

30mm would be highly advantageous over 22mm, in terms of potential. If the pocket were 30mm, an adapter ring could be used for any smaller driver. Such an adapter ring could be drawn in a few minutes and ordered from OSH Park. It doesn’t have to be a machined product.

3 Thanks

That’s interesting news!

2 Thanks

I’ve been using copper crush rings to fit small drivers into bigger pockets. It works OK but you wind up with 1.5mm of extra depth for the driver and they’re a PITA to desolder if you want to change it out.

I’ll have to look at OSH Park to see what’s what.

I would appreciate 30mm with the adapter for 22mm included, I doubt it would add more the a few cents to the final price.

1 Thank

Thanks! Perhaps there’s enough demand for convoy to produce driver adapter rings?

I’m still looking for good driver for the L2, there’s a 22mm manta ray branded driver on AliExpress that seems to be okay, 6v 4.8A output… Yet to decide what best LED to run with this though… Open to suggestions!

You mean for 30 to 22mm? You could always make one. It’s just a brass washer that goes between the driver and retaining ring.

Standard m16 brass flat washer is 30mm OD. Boom. That’s a perfect 17mm to 30mm adapter right out of the box. Just make the hole a little bigger for 22mm and there ya go.

1 Thank

FWIW I had a communication with Simon on Ali RE: redesign of L2 and made the suggestion to go with a 30mm driver pocket and complimentary adapter rings.

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