Hey is it safe to assume that the new Convoy L6 with XHP70.2 is the best most powerful bang for the buck flashlight now? Like would fellow members rate it in the top 3?
I dunno man as the last time I checked at Simon’s store, they going for $100 now! :nerd_face: Do you mean $40 for the older L6 in combo with coupons maybe??
I have the 70.2 (just bought it recently) and I gotta tell you the tint shift is utterly horrible to the point I wish someone made a quad pill to swap it out with.
Classic XHP70As for the win, no XHP70Boo units please LoL! :-D
Hope Cree learns this lesson, the optical characteristics of the present generation of emitters leave to be desired. A 3rd generation, with packed dies and good optical characteristics (consistent tint and etc.) is needed. I would also love if they were to raise their bar in color rendering fidelity or spectral power distribution accuracy.
I replaced the old driver with new one with more power. But tailswitch is now only a standby button. I really liked the on of tail and modes on the side.