I recently purchased the Convoy L6 and it has this strange problem. Whenever I turn it on, it goes into the turbo mode for just a brief moment and then goes to the memorized mode. I made the following video to illustrate what is going on:
Is this happening to anyone else? I have contacted the convoy store at aliexpress, but they haven’t been helpful yet. Do I need to buy a new driver and just replace the old one?
I’d be happy to buy your driver. I see you’re from Germany. Can I have it shipped to Slovakia? When would you be able to send it after I clear the payment?
And how much is the driver? Sorry if this should be obvious, but I am new to lights and your previously provided link has too much confusing info for me.
Also, what modes does the driver have? Is the max output also around 5 amps as the original driver?
I’ve never seen it perform like that. You might try different batteries and see if the problem goes away. 18650 works for testing just fine.
Also make sure the brass rings on the tail and driver are tight as they might loosen from travel.
A factory replacement driver is only about $6 US. If you think yours is defective, Simon my send you a new one for free.
Lexels Texas Avenger driver is a FET driver. With good batteries, like Liitokalas, it will pull 12 amps. With protected 5200 KeepPowers it will pull 9.7 amps.
What is great is that Narsil is a ramping firmware. It has 150 levels and smoothly goes from moon to turbo in about 3 seconds. Or you can switch to conventional modes. From 1 to 7 levels, turn memory on or off, have it go from low to high or high to low, etc… So many great features, including a battery check.
I prefer the ramping. If I need to run it a longer time and don’t want all 12 amps I can adjust it down in brightness a little.