Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!

I live in Houston, but I don’t buy from them. I don’t think they carry any protected batteries, do they? Only unprotected.

Hang on, I just did some looking around on their site and I see some NCR type protected batteries as well. So I guess IMR Batteries sell more than just IMR types.

They have a wide selection, some of the best cells out there at good listed prices and then there’s the 15% discount.

Protected cells I do not buy.

I have had good luck getting my 30Q on BG CN warehouse. Paid the extra dollar or so for the priority line or direct option and no insurance. I did check the GB USA warehouses for 26650 and did not find anything before I ordered the Jdub code Keeppowers on BG.

Sorry buy yet off topic, GB has VTC5 in USA free shipping now for $20 for 4pcs.

Noobs can buy any flashlight. Why would Simon single out the L6? Yes it’s 2S, but many many are 2S some 3S or 4S.

Corporate liability?
He doesn’t want to get sued if it blows up or burns a house down.
Not everyone knows to use a matched set of batteries and to check that they discharge at equal rates. So if Simon says use protected cells and you use unprotected, then he’s not liable for any damages.

Believe it or not, there are dumb people out in the world. They have to be told not to spill hot coffee in their lap, etc… Remember that lady that spilled her McDonald’s coffee burning herself and then sued them and won? That’s the world we live in.

IMR sent me last week eight protected panasonic 18650's to Canada and even with shipping and our tanking dollar, it was still a much better deal than up here.

You can sell a screwdriver, have explicit warnings against sticking the screwdriver in your eye, yet some idiot who does exactly that can still sue you… and win.

The problem’s not just with idiot people out there, but with idiot jurors who award big bux to idiots who stick screwdrivers in their eyes. Then there are the lowyers who actively pursue those cases, who contort black into white and white into black, and make a responsible manufacturer a villain who gets soaked in court.

You could make it a requirement to use protected cells, say, by having a too-long battery tube that would fit 2 protected 69mm cells only, and that 65mm unprotected cells would be too short to make contact, yet some bozo who’d use unprotected cells by sticking a washer or two as a conductive spacer, abuses his light, and ends up with a roman candle of a flashlight and burns down his house, could still sue and win.

The deeper your pockets, the more attractive of a target you are, no matter how good your product.

So are you agreeing with me or are you disagreeing? I can’t really tell.

Lowyers”…. priceless!!! :+1:

Priceless and well said also. :wink:

ok I official ordered L6 so now i can join the long discussion club :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm No, ill just jump to the last page for reading hahah

So you don’t need to read the whole thread, you can get the shorter protected Keeppower 5200mAh 26650s from well regarded Aussie eBay seller supersports600.

thanks Steve

I got Liitokala 26650-50A from banggood and hoping it’s not a problem

I’m using the exact cell and it works really well, abit of rattling but tolerable. I realized after i fully charge the cell the light seems to be brighter, not sure is it my imagination. Nonetheless its a awesome light with a awesome price tag!

You can add a bit of paper around the battery to make it not rattle.

The light will always be brightest at 4.2 volts. As the voltage drops, the brightness drops as well.

What about these ones? Would they fit for L6? Which is better?

or Maybe 4500 -

Any other suggestions from AliExpress?

Where are you located?
I can not buy Lithium Ions on Ali from any store.
One rule most of us have is not to buy any batteries with Fire in the name.
Another is to only buy from trusted sellers to make sure to get Genuine products. Many popular genuine batteries are counterfeited. The sleeve is copied and slipped over cheap cells and sold as genuine. Some bad cells have inaccurate capacity claims too.
That is why you do not se many retailers suggested here. We try to post links to places we know will sell genuine batteries, not fakes.

I’m from Europe, Lithuania…

Indeed. I’m not from the USA, so I suppose I don’t think about dumb*es suing for things they’ve inflicted on themselves :person_facepalming:
It is indeed very unfortunate that people are being dumbed-down with warnings plastered everywhere. I was actually discussing this with a workmate not long ago, that if things aren’t clearly spelled out as a possible danger they won’t think for themselves and potentially get injured. The irony being that the more we warn, the less people think - which leads to injury and in the case of the USA, lawsuits.
There is a ladder at work with exactly 21 bloody warning stickers on it!! TWENTY-ONE !!!

I see the coffee lady example as a frivolous lawsuit come up quite often. If you actually read the facts about the lawsuit you will be shocked how wrongly she was portrayed in the media.

We’re way off topic here though.

The McDonald’s coffee lady… We’re bunch of old people here reminiscing the past… That was like last century… Yeah I can join that discussion alright, hehe.