Hello all, I’ve got a Convoy M1 host on its way and I could use some advice on which emitter I should use.
My original thought was to use a DrJones H17Fx driver with an XP-L2. However, I’ve since read that the low forward voltage of the XP-L2 doesn’t mix well with FET drivers.
So now I’m trying to decide between an XM-L2 or XP-L. I am not necessarily concerned about chasing lumens, but if there is a noticeable difference between the two I would prefer the extra output. Tint or CRI is not a huge deal for this light either (I’ve got a Nichia build planned next). It is also my understanding that using an XP-L would require a different spacer to align properly with the reflector, and I’m not sure what I would need. Any help is appreciated.
I suppose it would depend if your specific purpose for the light demands a certain LED. Personally for general use, I remain a fan of the tried and true XML-2.
The XML2 and xpl are basically the same the xml2 is a xpl die on a 5050 footprint. And a xpl is the same die size on the 3535 footprint. The xpl can take higher amps. But for general use the xml2 in your tint would be fine. I just ordered a m1 host for the new sst40 led. My current m1 has a xpl w2 2b emitter. Makes 1800 lumens at start up. Has 18 gauge leads on it and fet driver.
And the xpl2 will work with Fet. Most people don’t keep there lights on turbo for working. Scanning a area for a few minutes is one thing. It will still take a few minutes for it to get scortching hot. One of Richards 17mm Fet drivers and for 75 cents you can choose whatever modes you want flashed onto it. Up to 6 modes. I usually go 1,10,30,50,75,100
The XML2 and XPL will give the same beam and they will have similar brightness and Vf depending on the bin you get.
A lower Vf LED like the XPL2 (or SST40) might actually work well in your light. These LEDs are not ideal in FET drivers with very low circuit resistance because a lot of current will flow and this could lead to lower efficiency and even killing the LED. But the H17F has a higher resistance FET that will limit the current some. So depending on what cell you use and whether you bypass springs you might get a reasonable value of 6A or so on turbo. The lower Vf also means the current regulated modes will stay regulated for longer.
What do you want out of the beam? The XPL2 will have a slightly larger beam than the XPL. If you want more beam intensity the XPL HI is a good choice.
I had not heard of the Luminus SST40 before, but after a quick search I may have to throw it into the mix. All I’m seeing is 6500K though, and I typically prefer between 4000K and 5000K. Is it available anywhere in a more neutral white?
How does the H17Fx driver revision factor into this? The description on mtnelectronics states “This revision uses the same firmware, but now has an extra high performance FET for even more output current on output levels 23 and 24.”
I had planned on bypassing the springs, but obviously can skip that if that will help limit the current. I would likely use a 30Q or VTC6 cell as that is what I have available, but can pick something else up if needed.
I don’t have a specific use for this light, I just wanted to play around with an M1 and figured it might give me a good mix of throw (compared to say an S2+) with a good amount of spill due to the OP reflector.
I guess the new version of H17F fixes the FET issue. I don’t want to dissuade you from the XPL2 or SST40. The XPL2 is tough and won’t die. There is a possibility the SST40 bond wires might die.
The SST40 unfortunately is not available in lower color temperatures as far as I’m aware.
The XPL2 will give you the most lumens, but be aware it also has some weird tint shift across the beam.
I’m thinking I’ll stick with the XP-L2 as I had originally planned. If it gets damaged it just gives me a good excuse to try something else. Also, I’m going to have to put a SST40 on the list for a future build just to try it out. One last question — will I need a different spacer for the reflector besides the one that comes with the host?
Definitely luv the DrJones H17Fx driver, have it in 4 of my lights. XP-L Hi Quad, from Mtn Electronics, is what I put into my M1 with a home made heat sink. Used it quite a few times at lower settings to do repairs, Under sinks, in basements, etc. Lasts forever and lights up a room if needed and small enough to put in a pocket.
What about an XP-L HI V3 for a single led ?
I’ve got a C8 and an S2+ both with XP-L HI. I really like both of those lights, but I was afraid it might give me a little more of a hotspot than I was really wanting with this M1.
If you order the led from mountain electronics he offers to slice the dome off their emitters for 5 dollars. Usually dedoming or slicing a led warms it up a couple color tempatures.