Convoy M1 extra pill

If you have a link to one that is known to fit that would be awesome. The one that is SKU’d on FT does not fit the Convoy M1.

I don’t know about the M1 but ryansoh is selling nice copper pills for the Convoy C8.

Thanks I had been watching that thread, but they were too heavy for my applications, and I think there were some comments that heatsinking would not be favourably influenced much in spite of it. Also for some, the cost of a pill being higher than just buying an entire host with a brass pill included may move that option outside their budget. However as the pill for the Convoy C8 is terrible, it is worth replacing it at any cost, whereas the M1 stock pill is pretty decent.

The M1 uses a 20mm mcpcb, I think those C8 pills just take a 16mm don’t they?

I just read the thread again and I believe you are correct. The HD 2010 one accepts 20mm but not the C8.


I could use another M1 pill but can’t find any. Not available as a spare part?

I could also use a spare driver retainer ring for the M1 pill as I managed to break one but I guess this is even harder to find… I tried soldering the driver to the pill but I can’t get the solder to stick to the pill, it will only stick to the driver.

Sometimes what works for me is to mount the pill in my vise, heat it with a torch, and then tin it before trying to mount the MCPCB or Driver.

Contact bucket.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try it out.

My English is OK, but I ’ve never heard of this before. A quick search reveals “solder contact buckets” but I can’t see anything that appears to work for a driver on a pill. You wouldn’t happen to have a link?

Bucket is a username. Has lathe, will travel.

Sounded like a good enough thing to use… a contact bucket… that’s basically what a pill is :smiley:

I might send Bucket a pm if all else fails, I’d expect a custom made pill or driver ring to cost a bit.

He made a very customized copper pill for my M1 including the retaining ring so I know he can do it. Wouldn’t hurt to ask.

Thanks, pm sent.

I recall I did about 20 M1’s last year for a SAR group. I think I used Noctigon MCPCB’s with XM-L2 T4 5C and 3A 105c QLite drivers. I can’t remember how I did it now, but I recall they were much better than M2’s, and once I got a system down it wasn’t too bad. Guess I’ll have to dig one up and see if I can remember, but I think I ended up tinning the edges of the driver and the edges of the pill and then joining them and just forgot about the retaining ring.

I just got an Aoyue 9378 soldering station, so I’ll be curious to see if maybe I can dial up a setting and find a tip that might allow me to tin the pill with it.

I’ve just found out that the Convoy M1 pill fits into the Convoy C8. That’s handy, because now I can easily turn my C8 into an MT-G2 light by using the pill from my M1 build (I had to make the hole in the reflector a little larger to fit the MT-G2 LED though).

Fitting a C8 pill into an M1 might only require filing off the excessive material, and as I have one to spare I might try doing it.

It’s been awile, but I thought I recall the C8 pill is Alu. Have you found a good technique for connecting your MCPCB to it?

Oh yeah, I forgot that the original C8 pill is Alu. I have these, they are brass:

I gave up on the Convoy C8 because of that Alu pill I recall reading previously that other C8 pills do not work in the Convoy, as these say they are for the Ultrafire I’m guessing Convoy owners would still be out of luck.

I see on both sites the picture is of the same pill, I’m guessing that both sites belong to the same seller. How are they to deal with?

Not out of luck at all. I bought one from each of those links after reading reports that they fit the Convoy C8 perfectly, and can confirm it. That’s why I have a spare. They where first sold as copper pills but they changed the description after BLF members pointed out that they are brass. Here is the thread: Copper? C8 pills for $4.30

Same seller. The description changed to brass on both sites at the same time, and my two showed up the same day with the exact same packaging. No hitches with my order at all, the pills are so far my only experience with them.

No, the description at GB is wrong. I know, hard to believe.

The GB one fits Convoy C8's perfectly. It fits the Supfire M2 also, perhaps sits a hair higher than ideal. It also fit in deep reflector Ultrafire C8's (LightsCastle & ebay) I have but the reflector almost touches the pill, might work with a thin star and thinner centering ring. It doesn't seem to fit regular UF C8's but I only have the Tangsfire C8 from Tmart to test, drops right in without threads touching threads.

Someone posted a review at GB stating Convoy compatibility already.

Great, thanks to both of you for the updates, good stuff to know. As my C8’s have become shelf sentinels, perhaps these could bring new life to them.