【convoy】XHP70.3 HI R9050 6500K available

Driver 7135x4 or 7135x6 (I don’t know which is best for Nichia) and OP reflector if is posible.


Why triple when the original S2+ can already accomodate triples? The S2+ 21700 should be sized to accommodate a Carclo 24mm diameter quad optic. Quad will provide a little extra output and efficiency over triple.

Thanks for the info.

Too bad that one can’t have memory enabled and still have direct access to low without low being the last mode used.

Glad that it comes with a clip - none was mentioned at the website in the link in the first post.

I may end up getting one anyway in the not too distant future.

Any verification of the tint options?

The NCR18650GA/LG MJ1/Samsung 35E are at most about $1 expensive more than a NCR18650B (if not the same price) and surpass the later in both capacity and discharge rate. IMHO unless price is a prime concern (and you are buying many cells to offset the shipping costs) there is little reason to buy a NCR18650B nowadays.

Nice :wink: I don’t know or own the ones you mentioned, but I guess they must be taken into account then! I remember seeing the graphic for the Samsung 35E and indeed they are good! Thanks for “correcting” me on this :wink:

Please note that only the more luxurious versions (the ones with steel switches) come in in a nice gift box with a clip and luxurious lanyard.

The cheap rubber switch types come with a standard lanyard without clip in a flimsy cheap cardboard box

Okay, so the one linked in the first post doesn’t have a clip, since it’s got a rubber switch cover and the clip isn’t mentioned in the ad.

What clip would be recommended that Aliexpress offers?


You’re right, no clip in the “normal” versions! Sorry, my mistake :person_facepalming:

High CRI emitter options, very nice to see Simon. Still, for driver I would prefer something regulated, PWM free. Stock configurations with LD-25 could be a nice idea, although I understand it increases cost a little bit. Or maybe not? It's a supply and demand thing, doesn't it?

Cheers ^:)

Of course it can installed in M2,too

I think reflector is better than TIR if you want the flashlight to be throwier one.

1.pocket clip is not included.
2.I dont understand the second question.sorry.
3.You can active the memory or disable the memory.If the memory is disabled,flashlight enters into the first mode when you turn it on.
4.S2+ only runs on 18650 lithium battery .What kind of battery do you use usually?

Take your time ,pls tell me when you confirm the configuration, I will add link in my store,

@LightObsession, I would recommend the Samsung 35E for maximum capacity and still good power output with more powerful lights:

carclo is expensive and not easy to be bought in China,i want to do a little change with S2+ 21700 to adapt following quad optic.

Yes,I can install LD25. i can sell this version to buyers if they ask me to do this customization


  1. Is there a clip that you would recommend for this light?
  2. Your first post says the tint options are 5700 and 4700. The ad at Aliexpress gives the choice of 5700 and 4000. Which is correct?
  3. I don’t have any 18650 batteries, so I would have to buy at least one, if I bought this light.


1.following two clips are all suitable

2. It’s my mistake, it should be 4000K , I will change the title,


Since you are just designing the host to accommodate a quad optic instead of making a quad version of the S2+ 21700, you can just design it around a Carclo optic. https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/454/10622_iss1_140509-1276368.pdf

The optic you show don’t have legs. When you twist the threaded pill into the head, the optic might shear off the emitters. But I guess if you make the head accomodate 24mm dia., it will work with Carclo quad.

And this is really great news. Looking forward to this and hopefully a copper version in the future.