Convoy S2+ Desert Tan Available Now!

I think for you to reach a moonlight that low, you’d have to get a 3*7135 driver, if not even less. I have an S2 in 4C with a 6*7135 and an M1 in 7A running 8*7135, and the 0,1% output of both, to my eyes, is the same as the Low mode on a Lumintop Tool CRI, just so you have a comparison.

By coincidence, this is the exact configuration of DT S2+ that I am waiting on from Simon.

Hum, by that I presume that even the 4 chips produce more output that I would need! But also, you are talking about XML2 Leds, that seem to produce more light than a XPL-HI.

I have a light with 4*7135 with XML2 T6-3B, with pebbled lens that produces more output than I want, but following my “experience” today, I assumed that would be due to the LED. I have to rethink this!
Or maybe I can order one with the settings I mentioned and the take 1 chip out if needed! Better than ordering with more and taking them all out :smiling_imp:

Eheh, I wish you had it to check it out! Any clue when will it arrive? :smiley:

Must… request… review…!

I will :wink:
Any clue about the forward clicky switch working with the metal cap? :nerd_face:

EDIT: it doesn’t! The forward switch is too tall for the space inside the tailcap… Even in a black S2+ it has difficulties to be placed :person_facepalming:
Thanks anyway!! :wink:

It sounds like you have a solution, but for the record - some BLF Q8 SRK’s have a ridiculously low Moonlight mode. One of mine will turn on the LED’s with the moonlight mode set to one. If other lights are on, I have to cup my hands around it and bring it right up to my eye to tell that it is on. Other than simply to show the extremes that this light will go to, I can’t think how it would even be usable.

Hopefully in the next couple weeks. It shows at the Shenzen sorting center 10 days ago, then no activity since, maybe because of the holiday. I have a standard BLF A6 I can compare the moonlight with. I also have a guppydrv Qlite 8*7135 driven triple Nichia NVSL219BT D220 4000K 90+ with moonlight that I can put it next to. You might already decide on something by then. :laughing:

I don’t have a solution yet, these were mainly my thoughts for a possible configuration :wink:
I’ve read the specs of the Q8 and it is indeed a beautiful light, but too big for my purposes in this case. Having a small light (18350/16340) with its features would be ideal, though.
I though about the Convoy with XPL-HI as I don’t want to buy the Sunwayman V11R nor Zebralights, that despite being good lights, are too expensive for what I need them!
I appreciate your suggestion and comment on this! Maybe the Q8 can become a target for me in some time :wink:

Thanks for your attention on this :wink: I guess I can wait some more days then !!
For what I’ve seen the BLF A6 has a ML mode above 0.5 lumens, which is probably more than the Olight S1R baton, and that level is still too much for what I need :person_facepalming:

There is also an option to get a driver from MTN that can be customized for moonlight levels (and others). I’ll see…

I own three S2+ flashlights, all of them are great with nice even light color patern without noticable color shifts in the beam. Now, I just bought the new S2+ desert can flashlight from the Simon's Aliexpess store. Body quality is excelent as always and no complains there and I do like new firmware better (especially that there is no wait time for mode memory to memorize the last mode you were on and strobe light is more agressive and disorientating for an attacker, plus bike mode is nice), but there are noticable yellow light spot arround the center and on the U6 3A 5000-5200K neutral white light spot it is kinda annoying that you can see color changes while moving your light arround. Outside I guess it is not that noticable if ever, haven't tested yet.

Does all XP-L HI leds suffer from more visible yellowish areas on hotspot? On a neutral dead white (almost slightly blueish but not quite there yet tint) those yellow spots kinda jump out from the light patern. In that case I may consider replacing led with XM-L2 led...

Can I minimize those side effects from the XP-L HI led by choosing more yellowish tint like 4C 4200-4500K or even 7A 3000K? Anyone with experience with these tints on XP-L HI led and Convoy flashlights? Will OP reflector smooth the yellow spot out?

Sample images (not easy to see on photos, but if you look closely the yellow spots are there).


I think that's a problem with smooth reflectors in general. I have a XM-L2 1A in an Olight with a SMO and the yellow hotspot is similar. I've never seen a similar artifact with OP reflectors.

any idea why paypal says “vendor will get funds by October 15th”? I paid simon directly September 14th. haven’t heard back from him since.

Nevermind. He answered. New light is on the way

I hope it is okay to ask this question.

Does anyone know if the Gearbest Sandy Brown version is the same as the one listed on AliExpress store?

The “Sandy Brown” appears to have the old UI, not the biscotti one.

The 4*7135 DT S2+ finally came through with a 4C XP-L HI. The lowest biscotti level is surely brighter than the BLF A6 moonlight mode. I guess it can be considered a moonlight, but it is definitely not firefly levels like I think you are looking for. But it has got to be at least 2 lumen, according to my noob eye gauge. I hope you can find the level you need!

Thanks for the input on this korpzgrinda!!! First, I hope you enjoy your light :smiley:
I’ve been thinking about the levels “discussed” above, and I’ll probably try the 3*7135 configuration (as Jack Kellar said) with XPL-HI U6-4C, trying to see if it is lower than those 2 lumens. Not sure, but I’ll try!

Also, I don’t know how well the flashlight will work if I take more 1 chip (2*7135), but I’ll see!

Today I contacted Simon to see if he can customize the S2+ 18350 version with these specs:

- SMO reflector (that I may exchange for a pebbled TIR lens)

- XPL-HI U6-4C led

- Biscotti with 3*7135 chips (that I may turn into 2*7135, or not)

  • Forward tail switch (well, to avoid the “clicking” noise during the night)

I’ve been thinking and despite I preferred the Tan or Clear version, I’ll probably opt for a regular S2+ to (probably) get what I need.
If that is not possible, I have the Jetbeam RRT01 on the way that can produce loooow lumen levels :smiley:

Thanks again on the input! I’m glad that you remebered :+1:

[BTW: for me, having this metal switch in a “forward switch” version would be… :heart_eyes: ]

Swapped the stock driver for a H17F. Very happy with the result - really low moonlight and very configurable. Only thing lacking is bi-directional level stepping.

tekwyzrd, is this the driver you used?

Absolutely yes! Silly me, I didn’t even comment on the quality of the light! I got the 18650 size with the 18350 tube added. The color is darker than some of the photos in the thread, like a grayed-out coyote brown instead of a khaki or tan. The finishing is very unique with the slightly grainy feel, as compared to the R,G,B varieties. I will eventually try some TIR optics in it. Thank you, by the way, for mentioning that Simon could possibly make a variety pack of TIR lenses. I haven’t inquired yet, but I will some time in the future.

This one came with a SMO reflector, but I replaced it with an OP that I had leftover from a gray S2+ that I converted into a triple. This made the hotspot much more fuzzy around the edges, which I greatly prefer. It probably reduces the throw by some, but I just like my beams with soft edges unless it is specifically for throw.

Eheh, glad you like it!! It is really hard to see the “true” colour of the light until you get it in the hands! And when you have it…you won’t let it go !!
I just have 2 black S2+ and the Desert Tan, but I guess there is a difference in touch! The DT is really great, and on the 18350 version… :open_mouth:

Hum, I guess Simon will probably sell a pack with different lenses, not all the same type! On AliExpress you also have other stores that have nice TIRs.
And I agree, the beam with the OP reflector is quite nice, a bit larger for sure, but seems more more intense too!
All and all, great light :slight_smile:
Thanks again :+1: