Convoy S2+ Desert Tan Available Now!

Yes, that’s the one. Purchased there too.

It might be cheaper shipping if you contact DrJones directly since he’s in Germany.

Thanks for confirming! I guess I’ll have to invest more in some drivers than in lights from now on :smiley:
I just hope that shipping from MTN (USA) is not hugely expensive, otherwise I may not be able to get those :person_facepalming:

Thanks again! :+1:

As I said, since DrJ is located in Germany shipping would probably be cheaper. I purchased 2 lucidrv drivers direct and shipping was very reasonable even to the usa.

Fwiw, I increased the wires from 24 awg (stock) to 22 awg (no spring bypass) and though it gets hot quick on upper levels low levels are still very low. The ramping level setting and configurable number of levels still make the lucidrv one of my favorite firmwares.

If you do order from mtnelectronics go for the spring option.

Hum, the thing is DrJones hasn’t been active for a while here, so I don’t have way to contact him.
I also want to buy other drivers from MTN so I’ll probably try to check that on their site. Here in Europe I don’t know where to get drivers like these, but I confess I didn’t search much…

One question: you’re using this driver with which LED on the S2+? Are you using multiple emitters or an XPL-HI?

(BTW, the question is just to perceive which LEDs can I use with this driver, as I’m staring to perceive that some can burn depending on the drivers used!)

Thanks in advance :+1:

I’m using it with the stock xpl hi emitter but i have no doubt it will work great with multiple emitters.

Nice :sunglasses: I didn’t want to use multiple emitters, so the stock XPL-HI will do :wink:
Thanks for clarifying :+1:

I have a simple S2 Convoy + with 4x7135 as EDC, and now I’d like to try the Desert Tan for use on long distances.
But I don’t know what to select 4x7135 or 6x7135 - as far as the distance will be more longer with 6x7135, than with 4x7135?
Maximum working time not interest for me.

Then just get 8x7135. You can always drop to a lower output mode when needed.


Has anyone received any of the tan lights from Gearbest? They were listed a couple of months ago and I won one in a sponsored giveaway, but it’s never shipped. The shipping date for the .SKU is constantly being pushed back to the next day…

Yes, received the 7A over a week ago and 1A yesterday. Think they were out of stock of 1A for a while. The GearBest S2+ Desert Tan has 8x7135 and 3/5 mode UI.

Thanks, but I think 8×7135 will be extremally hot in this compact host.
Earlier I had Convoy M2 with 6×7135 and 8×7135 - as a result I left only 6×7135 because there was no difference in light. But the difference in heating was the considerable.

Finally got my hands on a tan S2+!!! :partying_face:

I want to post a couple of pics, but it might be a few days before I can. We have rain moving in and I want a chance to show the light in natural daylight for best color representation.

First thoughts:

Love the black/brown combo. The black switch looks great against the body: dare I say, “tacticool”? :zipper_mouth_face:

The emitter, looks amazing, in that SMOOTH reflector, through the AR coated lens.

Very matte finish feels very good in the hand.

Turning on the light, noticing a nice defined hotspot, should be fairly throwy. Put next to my deep smooth reflector XP-G2 S2, the S2+ loses a bit of throw, but has a larger hotspot.

About the color: it’s not what I would call a true Desert Tan, but I really like this a lot. It’s actually a bit darker than the FDE finish on my rifle. I don’t have a calibrated display (just a two-year-old OLED cell phone screen) but it seems to be somewhere around Coyote Brown or the Magpul version of FDE.

Mine is the Gearbest version; I’m not a huge fan of the mode selection blink, I may eventually replace the driver with a 3A Qlite. I’d probably replace the green gitd lens O-ring with a black one too, just to fit the motif of the light.

Big thanks to Gearbest for this light, via a sponsored giveaway!

i dont think that matters, since the s2 convoy isnt exactly a thrower, u should then buy a c8 convoy instead with xpl-hi emitter for throw.

I don’t need really long distance - I’d like to use Desert Tan on little longer distances what my EDC (S2+ with TIR lens).

Does anyone know what size black O-rings will work as a replacement at the lens of an S2+? I may be ordering something from fasttech and wanted to throw in some spare O-rings.

I think the lens for the S2+ is 20mm (or 20.5mm to be exact), so an o-ring with the same O.D. should work.
Just be mindful that O-rings are typically listed with inner and outer diameters (in addition to thickness).
So, just be sure to confirm the outside diameter measurement. :+1:

If so inclined, here are a couple TIR lenses for under $1 as well:

30 degree TIR
15 degree TIR

Thanks for the TIR suggestions. I also check the Convoy page and the O-ring Simon is offering is 21mm x 1.5mm, so that must be the size I need. Could have done that before asking here. :person_facepalming: LOL

Ya know Jdub,
it would really nice to see a new Convoy soon.
Maybe USB rechargeable side switch or something. Would really MK my day. :smiley: