Convoy S2+ half click issue.

Hi people. Hope you are all OK.

My convoy S2+ had started to randomly cut in and out, and I was confused until I realised if you push in the half click, it stays lit.

Now, what I did was take my fingernail, and near the middle push down with some firmness, and it now works fine.

But, my question is, what is the real fix to this as I guess this would only be temporary? I haven’t got the ‘bug’ for flashlights like I did with vaping and darts, nothing wrong with them but I see them as a tool to use.

Like I use the S2+ on my bike as the front light with a mount on mid, and a poundshop (Like a dollar store) back red light so others can see me, but at the front I can actually see. I just have to remember to dip it and point it left (Uk, we drive on the wrong side lol) otherwise I will get angry drivers coming after me for being dazzled by a light thats brighter than their car headlight lol.

Its just there are a lot more safe mods I can do in vaping ( I’m not one of the nutters who vapes at 150 watts stressing my batteries, I use a 25R and the max I pull is around 8 Amps, its rated for 20).

So, anyone got any idea whats going on? I guess the soft clicky bit isnt making full contact, my fingernail digging in made it make full contact, but I would just like to know what to do if it happens again, unless it is just prss is back in with my thumbnail lol.

Where did you buy the flashlight? Is it a rubber switch cover, or a metal switch cover?
I recall there are fake copies of the S2+ reported from somewhere.

Make sure the switch retaining ring hasn’t loosened up. It’s pretty common on these cheap torches.

Make sure it’s not a reverse thread retaining ring if you try to tighten it down

My fake convoy s2+ was very sensitive to half press, I had to place ax extra spacer washer over the switch and file a bit from the top.

Sounds like the ring for the tailswitch is loose and losing its contact.

If you determine that the switch is indeed dead you can order these as a replacement switches

The real S2+ has a brass pill and a brass switch retainer. Also the real one has a stainless switch, and the fakes appear to be aluminum.

My convoy s2+ has a aluminum pill and aluminum switch. I order form gearbest.