Convoy S2 modding and reflector where to buy?

Thanks for the conversation to all. I am actually sitting in a pub with a single malt… :beer:

I support vwpieces’ suggestion of a Luxeon V. It is a beast. Get a DD/FET driver from mtne (or Lexel or led4power in Europe) and it will change the color of your S2.

This is very cool. It’s amazing how drivers have advanced and evolved into these amazing powerful devices in just the past year! I need to do some reading on all the new drivers and what they do. Is there a place that has info on all these new drivers in one place? Thanks for your input fellas, I appreciate it.

I have ordered the one from Fasttech in the past and it is different from what is pictured. It is longer but fits fine in an S2, I have tried sliced dome xpe and xpc so far and it focuses tight and throws well with those without rings and artifacts.

simon is such a top bloke. the number of times I’ve messaged him for convoy parts that he doesn’t list and he has sent them to me for just the price of shipping is insane!

straight up legend!