The S2+ UV is driven fairly lightly, so If you happen have any other host, even one with a not so great performance, it should house the UV emitter pretty well and free up the S2+ host
If you and up purchasing anything from Simon’s Aliexpress shop, you can always ask for him to include a spare pill in the order, even if it’s not listed
Watch for differences between S2 and the newer S2+. I think the reflector is deeper in the S2, not sure if the two pills are swappable or not.
Personally, I would just go for a S2+ that you like the look/colour/LED/etc of; for the few times you’re going to use UV, it’s not worth the faff of dismantling and reassembling a torch.
In addition, to get a decent UV output you need ZWB2 filter glass to filter out the small amount of visible light given off, you might as well just build a dedicated UV convoy S2+ with LED and driver of your choice. It will be better than 99% of 365nm LED lights on the market.
Hey mate if you can find a pill it will work fine. I dont think i have seen many S2+ pills for sale.
Some times the Fasttech stuff fits and other times it doesn’t. For instance i bought a C8 pill and it didn’t fit the Convoy C8 but it fit inside my Ultrafire C8’s they are actually really good pills and cheap also. I left feedback on Fasttech so people know.
Any LED should work fine in the pill. It comes stock with a XML2 on a 16mm alloy board. If you are running it in direct drive you want a direct thermal path copper board.
Maybe try a XPL2 in direct it should be good for about 1800 lumens maybe a tad more? Similar performance to a BLF A6 my A6 does around 1550 lumens.
Also on the other hand you could buy a S2+ XPL-HI which is already on a DTP copper board and just change the driver for the BLF A6 one. Make the second pill a UV pill might be cheaper. You can then use the original driver for the UV LED. (They can not be driven to hard).
One thing to keep in mind is i dont think you can use AR coated glass and a UV LED. Maybe some one can confirm?
Just my 2 cents but it seems easier and safer to carry the whole head. Sure it’s a little bigger but I’m thinking the protection of the head would make up for it to me. I carry slip on lens filters at work and between them they’re a little bigger than the head but a little lighter. I barely notice I have them.