I noticed that the blue and red Convoy S2s have a metal clicky switch. Would that swap into my new BLF A6? Either that or just the switch out the entire tail cap.
Tail caps are iffy — because the people making these lights use pretty wide tolerances on the threads, it seems.
See What Legoes With What?
and report what your particular lights do and don’t fit.
Wow great thread. Thanks!
Looks like I have some reading to do.
I’ve got an S2+ and a blf A6. I can’t say whether the switch could be swapped or not without some further exploration but I can say that the tailcap threads are very different. You definitely can not just screw the S2+ tailcap on the A6. Why not just build an S2+ if that’s what you want?
Thanks for the heads up.
I already have an A6 on the way, as well as a blue S2+ host. Id prefer a black Flashlight, so switching the switch would be ideal.
If all else fails I’m not against buying a black s2+ host and putting the guts from the A6 and the metal switch from the blue host into that.
Thanks for the fast replies so far
Can it Handel the draw?
Buy this:
And do some hobbying.
O wow, i thought the thread was alive…
I didn’t look at the dates.
It was on top of the new posts on my phone yesterday.
No big deal…. stuff happens. RC’s meme was funny though…
What profile is the one from the OP?
Good question.
I wonder if it has to do with TacticalFleshlight...
All of his presence was abducted by the necromancer’s ritual
It’s the first time I see such a “kind” of profile here…
Maybe it was that that took the thread up again, as Jerommel stated! :zipper_mouth_face:
By the way, TacticalFleshlight had an avatar of an actual fleshlight!
He was asked to choose a new user name and avatar.
I don't know if he ever did though.
I guess I am not of his time :zipper_mouth_face:
Well, but if he really changed and wanted to stay anonymous, he made it
Reise, reise, Faden reise!
Hey, it ain’t dead ’til the people interested in gathering the information are dead.
That would be me. I try to bring any “lego-able” references and copy them to “What legos with what?”
that’s Redirect Notice
when I see mention of such around BLF.
Since the search function won’t always find what you want.
Do you know where I can find the metal tail switch for the astrolux S41s that’s in the upper left corner??