Convoy S2+ tail cap differences (rubber end and no rubber)

I purchased two s2+ and the tail caps are different. Is this by design or mistake from factory?

Photos tail cap S2+ tail cap - Album on Imgur

I have the two different ones also. Got no idea why .

Some have the metal cap and some the rubber one. It depends on what you like but rubber are superior in water resistence.

They both have a little different tail switch, it’s not a mistake, it was designed that way.

Grey convoys have black or green rubber tail switch

Desert Tan, sand convoys have black metals switch

“Colored” convoys -red, green, blue, purple etc….have stainless metals switch,


The ones with metal switch (usually lighted, but very poor) used to come in a white sturdy luxurious gift box, with luxurious lanyard, where the cheaper rubber ones come in a flimsy thin cardboard box.

And still, both are tough as rocks :stuck_out_tongue: :beer:

When I bought my first S2+ Desert Tan I made some measurements and weighting and stuff. Some of them are in this page:

About the metal button (not switch, as the switch are eventually the same, specially because Biscott firmware doesn’t work well with the lighted switches) the black one is less transparent than the bare metal one!
They are both more “silent” than the rubber tailcap.
Unfortunately, the metal button doesn’t allow using a regular forward clicky switch on a PCB because it is taller than the reverse clicky switches. It is probably the only bummer about is :weary:

Thanks for the information fellas.

The tan came in the nice box with upgraded lanyand and clip, the grey was cheap box with basic lanyand and no clip. Both seem to perform the same, haven’t tested waterproofing. I also have a UV version on order, asked for purple host.

And that’s why they’re lovely no matter how fancy you pick them.

I’m curious deliafranco930, which do you like better? Personally I like the rubber tailcap over the metal, but that’s mostly because I switch them all to lighted tailcaps.

I think the rubber ones easier to click because of the wider surface area, however,t the button feels a little squishy/soft and looks a little cheap. I’m guessing rubber may provide better water protection. . The metal one’s nice tactical feel - like clicking a pen ,however, the button it’s smaller and only protrudes a small amount so need to be a little more precise to click dead center of button. Overall, I like the metal button better. Looks better and feels better to use.