Looking to build a S2+ triple. Looking for throw over flood. Not sure if I should use a 219C or xpl hi. Carlico 10507 the lens I want to use for more throw?
Triple is going to be all flood. To get throw, you are better off to use a single emitter with smooth reflector or narrow optic. Not sure about fitting a TIR in the S2+. I have a full size S2 with the deep smooth reflector and it throws well for its size, but it isn’t a true thrower by any means.
S2+ triples are floody. The 20mm triple optic is too small to make it throw. If you want any kind of throw then use the XPL HI or single XPG-2/Nichia 219C with one of the DD drivers and a reflector. Better still would be an xpe but then you need to limit current more. Even the larger X6 with a cute-3 optic still isn’t really a thrower. To make a triple throw each individual optic or reflector needs to be larger and deeper relative to die size.
I’ve wondered how well a triple XP-E2 dedomed with a 507 optic —- post above are right though — good throw with a XP-G2 dedomed in a smooth reflector @ 3amps yields 30- 34 klux
With a triple emitter in a tube light, throw is but a pipe dream: that’s a setup for flood and flood only. Any throw would come from sheer brute force instead of beam concentration. There’s just not enough reflector to concentrate the beam.
You’d be far better off modding a triple into a C8 host, and even then I can’t exactly guarantee the results.
I have a triple S2+ with (3) CREE XP-L High-Intensity V2 1A and it may be a flody but it really reaches out too. It my show off light. That’s why I went 1A. Gets the wow factor.
If you want throw get a C8 on Amazon for $16 and be done.
If you want a badass tube light that will kill, go get some parts from MTN Electronics.
OK, I guess 219c would be best. I was planning on getting the parts from MTN.
I think the XPL HIs will give you more throw.
I would guess the triple with XPL HIs (direct drive) would give you 12ish Kcd.
A single XPL HI in a reflector will give you more throw. 15 to 25Kcd, depending on which reflector (S2 or S2+, OP or SMO).
My full-size S2 with the deeper smooth reflector and XP-G2 (domed!) @3A is throwy for the size, but still isn’t a dedicated thrower. It’s a very nice light and has become one of my wintertime EDC favorites, but does not overwhelm with the long range performance.
I also have a Convoy S6 triple using the narrow Carclo optic, XP-L HI emitters, and FET driver, and it is NOT a thrower by any means. It is incredibly bright, but it’s a full wall of light, and the bounce back from the spill overwhelms your vision and further limits the visibility at longer ranges. For a Fistful of Lumens, it’s incredible fun though! :sunglasses: