I have several Convoy S2+ lights and like them quite a bit. They’ve served me well and seem to be a well made light. I carry one on-duty in a cargo pocket. I have the SRT3 and it’s my favorite light overall for many reasons including that it has more functions and can be reduced to a firefly level if needed. This got me thinking about the SRT5 that uses an 18650 battery. The SRT5 has all the same functions that I enjoy in the SRT3. So we’re basically talking about at <$20 light vs. one that is $60 to $90 depending on where you buy it. Yes, the SRT has more features but aside from that, how do they compare with each other quality-wise and durability wise? What are your thoughts?
Also, as I understand it, the SRT5 can use a single 18650 or two CR123 batteries. Does that mean it will also use two 16340 batteries as well?
Speaking of S2+es, anyone know offhand if the stars (real Convoy S2+) are AS5ed or Fujiked into the head, or are they loose, and roughly how long are the wires to the driver?
I pretty much hate all off-the-rack UIs, especially the damned blink-on-low to switch 3/5 groups, and want to reflash the bugger without doing a major desoldering job. My watch-back-wrench was too shallow to get out the retaining ring on the driver, so finally got the pliers-type doodad. Just wondering if I could reflash the bugger w/o doing major surgery on it.