Convoy s21a or s21b in sft40?

Which host is better for this led?
really close in price, wish there was more colors for the b version.
I read it has better thermal efficiency, any thing else to consider?

Too close to call. You really should buy both and get rid if the one you like less. Or keep them both. These are the basic elements of being a flashaholic.

A lot of members on BLF are in denial but the proof is in the pudding, if you buy 20-30 flashlights per year, you are in the inner circle.

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The S21B is a better host in regard to thermal performance, but the S21A has better beam quality.

s21a better beam quality? with the same reflector and lens as s21b? no.
plus s21b has nice steel besel and it doesn’t affect the beam and give additional scratch proof and beauty.
but s21a is thinner - thats true.

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Both have pretty wide spill. I don’t think they are a good choice for a ‘thrower’ led like sft40. I have S21B with culpm1, that’s why i ’m saying this. Also, the thermals are better managed with something like M21B. The S21B with 6A driver gets pretty hot at 100% with culpm1. Unless you live in a cold place and/or you want the compactness of S21.

Thanks for the comments.
decided to go for s21b with xhp50 instead.
also these:
s21a 519 3500k
s2+ 519 4500k
m21b sft40