Convoy S21B with 10A driver

Is the Convoy S21B with SFT40 and 10A buck driver a stupid and dangerous idea?

I understand it will get very hot but is it still safe for short bursts (less than a minute) at 100%

I am new to this forum and I also have very basic knowledge about flashlights so please excuse me if I ask stupid and unreasonable questions

Fwiw I’ve been running an sft40 with 12A FET driver in an L21b. Larger host for sure, but so far hasn’t posed any problems.

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That’s a great thing to hear now I’m convinced to try the Convoy 10A driver with the SFT40.

I actually prefer the M21B host but I wanted a compact flashlight to show off to my coworkers who mostly only use AA flashlights.

Thanks for the info

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Have a pleasant time at this friendly forum, Zeno!

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If I may ask, besides Convoy, is there any other brand that gives us the option to choose the LED and driver we want?

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For budget flashlights, Convoy has the most choices by far.
Other great budget brands are Sofirn and Wurkkos, but they don’t offer nearly as many options.
I don’t know much about more expensive brands, or if you’re interested in spending more money. :money_mouth_face:

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Emisar/Noctigon (referred to as Hanklights) also offer loads of driver/emitter options, they are enthusiast-oriented lights that perform and cost a notch above Convoy/Sofirn/Wurkkos, for lights in the same form factor.

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I just checked out Hanklight and I really like their dual and triple channel flashlights


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Have you considered the sft25r? I’ve one fitted in a S21G titanium host with 8A buck, it gets rather hot after prolonged use at 35%, but not unbearably hot. I recon it throw slightly farther than the sft40 with the same reflector cup and driver, so there’s enough wow factor for the colleagues, if not more :smiley: and more reasonable power wise for the size of the host.