Convoy T3 Titanium (CSLNM1.TG): Ultimate 14500 Pocket Thrower Flashlight?

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Thanks for the review… Ultimate guy :nerd_face:

“Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing penultimate about this one.” – Douglas Adams

Restaurant at the end of the universe…

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I would get this only because I bought the Ti S2+ and its gorgeous. So much nicer than aluminum.

I’ve seen people heat treat them to form different colours… Wanted to try it with this model. As it’s easier to take out the electronics.

Oh damn, I have used that a lot :sweat_smile:

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Thanks for the review. Ive got the Mao t3 in the mail. Can’t wait to try it out!

Nice! I love the look of that finish.

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I don’t like the mismatched styling of the T3.
This is the best looking Convoy T3 Ti I’ve ever seen:

Mickey Horstman did an amazing job on this T3 in my opinion.

4 Thanks

Which one is that.

It’s a Convoy T3 Ti that was turned on a lathe.

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Have any measurement comparisons been made with the standard LED version? I recently replaced the 519A with a XP-P and compared it with another 519A. The reflectors are the same, the currents through the battery are the same, the level on the driver is the same. It turned out 300 versus 1800 lux at the same distance. I would be very interested to see what difference in lux the Osram makes compared to a standard emitter

I only have this version unfortunately