Cooling down for xmas day

Here in Perth it’s common to have a heatwave for Xmas. This year xmas day will be a temperate 24°C

Today, however, i was helping my brother work on his house. My ute was parked in the sun and when i left at 1pm my car indicated the temperature was 45° . I think official temperature is meant to be 42…

Happy holidays :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have lived in a Southern California desert for a bit over ten years.
So far, I think this December is the warmest December in the past decade, which is fine with me because I hate cold weather. :sun_with_face:

By the way, if I were to ever leave the U.S., I would love to live in Perth or Adelaide, though I don’t think Australia would have me. :grin:

What was the temperature swing in the desert?

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I’m not sure how much warmer this December has been, but I’ve only worn pants (instead of shorts) a couple of days this winter, and I usually wear pants about six weeks per winter. :+1:

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14°F right now.

“Warmed up” from 13°F overnight.

Any colder, and I’m gonna slice open a tauntaun and crawl inside.

Apparently that’s -10°C.

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Here in Cumbria 24°C is a heatwave. :joy:

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Cooling down… riiiggght. I have a hard time registering 24C as cooler than anything right now Lol

Hell, I don’t ever see 24C INSIDE the house this time of year.

Do have to remind myself thats its the middle of summer for you guys down south. Even our summers hit the mid 30s(C), but I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that temp in December.

Our normal high for this time of year is around 0F. -10F to -15F lows. I’ve also seen Christmas at -40 too. (C or F, same thing)

25F is our extremely higher than normal forecast for Christmas day this week. (Around -4C).

So far this is one of the warmer winters we’ve had in probably a decade. Not in record temp, but just in lack of normal or lower colds. Which is an odd contrast to last year, which was one of the coldest in the past 20 or more, and set the record( in the last 110 years)for most Consecutive days at -50 or colder(almost 2 weeks in January).

I think I couldn’t do Christmas south of the equator. Not sure I could stand it in most places south of Canada really… It’d be ok yes, but I’d be in a trance lol. Regardless of temps, Christmas without snow is just mind boggling to me.

Its interesting.
Guess its actually kinda balanced if you look at it right; If part of Australia is much cooler than normal for the day, it would make sence that Alaska is much warmer than normal… Almost polar opposites in temps, concept, and locations lol.

This is kinda the reason i posted. I figured most of you guys would find it a foreign concept :exploding_head:


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Merry Christmas to you too.

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Same in West Sussex. Not roasting, but fairly hot. Sunny Bognor down the road for a swim in poop soup. :face_vomiting:

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