I’ve been looking at small brass/copper, AAA lights lately. Not that I really need another light, but a small keychain size light can often come in handy. I really like the looks of the copper lights, but brass is also nice.
The ones I’ve narrowed it down to, are the Maratac AAA REV 3, or the Prometheus QRv2, with the Lumitop tool rounding out the best 3 I’ve found. Of course, I’m not ruling out any other possible contenders. Performance wise, these lights are’nt that close. but they all bring something to the table. Like all flaslight choices, it’s hard to decide unless they’re all sitting right in front of me. I’m hoping that someone can help thin the list a bit.
Luckily, as I’ve said I don’t really “need” a small keychain light, as I already have a Thrunite Ti3. I’ts really all about the cool factor of the patina that a copper or brass light gets. So now, in no particular order, it’s about.
1. Scratch resistance, of the two materials.
I’m not a fan of scratch resistant coatings, since over time, they tend to wear off. So the raw metal, is what we’re considering.
2. Size to power ratio.
Because it does have to earn its keep, it’ll need to be as powerful as possible. But small is always good for the pocket.
3. Price.
Since I don’t want to have a light that’s “too expensive to lose”. And therefore be discouraged from carrying it at all. this policy has served me well for pocket knives.
4. Quality/reliability.
Probably as important as it gets when buying for the cool factor. The last keychain light that I had, dangled and bumped against my leg. This went on until I noticed that the head un-screwed, and the whole thing hit the ground, and was destroyed.
Fortunately it was an inexpensive light.
There could be several more considerations, that could influence the final decision. but lets go with these for now. If anyone happens to have one or more of these lights, or something different altogether, I’d be interested in your input. A side by side comparison would likely be too much to expect, but there seems to be very little in the way of reviews for at least one of these lights. the others don’t have any in depth reviews, only lumens test, and fit/finish type stuff. Which is helpful, but only goes just so far. So any experience, good or bad, is appreciated.