Copper foam heat sink -- adaptable?

Ya know the gesture from Western movies, where the shooter casually turns up the barrel of the pistol and blows across it to clear the smoke away?

Now we can do that with the flashlight after a turbo moment, to cool the heat radiator :slight_smile:

I’ve been seeing aluminum heat sinks that look like round collars with fins coming out.
This might work as a flashlight head, for example:

Or a few like some of these, with the LED on one side and the driver on the other, somehow connected through to the lens and battery case.

But they’d be fragile and bulky.

The copper ‘foam’ ought to give more surface area than those — and better heat dissipation.

I think solid copper from the pill and driver out to the edge of the light, and the copper “foam” on the outside, maybe between ridges/fins for protection, where the air can circulate through it ….

Here’s something that could be used that way:

Blowing on the hot flashlight makes sense. Heck, spit on it and see if it boils off as steam ….

hank wrote:

Blowing on the hot flashlight makes sense. Heck, spit on it and see if it boils off as steam ….

Um, . . . oh never mind.

Just photoshop the revolver out and a flashlight into the picture:

Read this.

If you still like it, you can fund it.

How about a flashlight that has a flat platform for the LED stars. Behind that is a compartment for a copper sponge with vent openings at the side. Then behind that is the battery and driver.

Perhaps this could be used in a high-powered light like the one Old Lumens made as first place prize in his competition. Instead of a powered fan, just stuff a copper sponge in the fan compartment.

Maybe also design it so that the sponge can be removed for cleaning or replacing when necessary.

> behold-the-most-insane-crowdfunding …

Good catch, leaftye!

They got kicked out of Indiegogo and are now accepting donations directly through PayPal (which has also been closed down). It’s a scam. Won’t work.

More information here: Reddit - Dive into anything

+1 Thanks for the link, it was a very interesting read.