AAA Copper Cree Flashlight by Maratac® REV 6 | CountyComm Note, the link says rev 3, but the webpage says rev 4. Best price I have seen for this really sweet copper light
I just received one 2 days ago, for a slightly higher price
maybe I should double down to spread my losses… LOL
I only have 5, here are the users. A close look at the knurling reveals it is becoming simpler, and less expensive. oldest on the left, see the dimples?
for those who don’t realize what a fantastic deal and light these are… Imo it is the deal of the century on a Maratac w Nichia.
for the last couple of years Ive been buying Maratacs and Tools, and doing head swaps to end up with what is now available for less than half what I was spending paying to lego or get lights. modded to Nichia
- begin baloney sandwich-
ok, you talked me into it, Im buying 10!
Im putting them on Ebay for $99 each… buyer beware… LOL
- end sandwich-
- begin pure speculation-
CountyComm will be passing surplus CuAAA light inventory to Massdrop next, watch for it at $25
It is probably because CountyComm needs to fund another run of Titanium AAA lights
- end rampant speculation-
- begin rumors and hearsay-
I think the Cu AAA Maratac w Nichia also works with 10440, please confirm if you try it
- end unverified speculation-
Seriously this is my Grail Light. I think everyone should be like me (not really)… LOL
I thought had bought one recently, was not sure if you had gotten this price or not. Who knows, maybe it will go lower still . . .
nope, I paid the big bucks! $7 more, plus tax and shipping… no free lunch LOL
But Im not going to complain, Im just going to suck it up and be a man about it
so, quit rubbing it in will ya?
If it was aa maybe but aaa - no thanks.
Well, if you missed this it is too late. Price is now up to $44.75. :cry:
darn! you’re mistaken, on my end it is still 32.50. so I drank the coolaid and ordered another one
thanks for tapping my wallet
have a great weekend
Guess I somehow was looking at the price above the light on the page were all the AAA lights are . . . :person_facepalming:
You should unsubscribe this page, cause my next mistake will probably be the price is $20 . . . .
thanks, you have a great weekend too !
Its ok, I like Coolaid
thanks for the heads up on a great price, for yet another flashlight that I don’t actually “need”… LOL
now the sale really is over, price is now $44.50. unless my eyes are not working again . . .
funny, cause I just got a promo email from Countycomm bragging about a 24 hour sale . .
I got the promo email today too and was disappointed the AAA Copper and AA Titanium were not part of the sale. Oh well, picked up something on sale from another site.
Well, now I feel really special… I just received a CuMaratac AAA w Nichia at the sale price.
I blame sbslider I got a 10% off coupon, PM me if you want to use it
notice there is now a new AAA Copper 90 degree light, but, no Nichia… so Im safe.
there is also a brass AAA 90 degree light, for those into that alloy, which is 3% LEAD! (no, I won’t buy alloys with LEAD in them, Im such a Copper snob)…
here are the claimed lumens
Low Mode, 5 lumen output for up to 60 Hours ( Diffused Light )
Medium Mode, 48 lumen output for up to 4 Hours
High Mode, 160 lumen output for up to 75 Minutes
I don’t believe a word of it until someone confirms.
I saw the light pictured above as well and became very interested, but held off due to the emitter. While it is definitely not copper, I am really looking forward to getting the Manker E02 I ordered, as it appears to be the most versatile AAA light I have seen thus far.
And I second your disbelief of the claimed lumen/run time. There are similar type claims for the standard AAA that do not match reality either.
The Lumintop Tool Copper and Titanium are $20+ when on sale. Are these lights that much better?
I sold and or gave away all my Copper and Titanium Tools w Nichia, because unlike my Maratac w Nichia, the High mode on the Tools is not regulated, and has shorter runtime. I like to carry twisties better, but clickies Imo make better gifts to newbies.
disclaimer, that chart is a single test, using my home-brew lumen meter, of single lights I purchased (I don’t get free lights in exchange for “reviews”)
I hope others with light meters will contribute more tests. I do not give full credibility to runtime tests without light meters.
from my view, a few rare Copper Tools are efficient and regulated (notably markkas CuTool, and one of my ReyLights), but most are not. Same with the Copper ReyLights, the vast majority are not regulated nor efficient on high. All TiTools, ReyLight version included, that I hear reported are non regulated, same for all Brass Tools,
Only the Worms w Nichia, and the Maratacs w Nichia, have consistently tested regulated and efficient.
I have a very limiting selection criteria, and for my standards, the present CuMaratac AAA is top of the Food Chain.
No Green tint, No LowCRI, NoPWM, No Unregulated, No Inefficient drivers, No Cool White.
I happen to prefer MLH modes, but Im flexible, I don’t mind twisting a light in my fist to get the mode I want without blinding myself. Have no problem with MHL either. Personally, LMH is my least favorite mode sequence for a twisty, but Im more OK with LMH on a Clickie.
imo, the CuMaratac w Nichia and the CuTool and TiTool w Nichia, all have essentially the same lumen levels on their 3 modes. My Maratac does test about 10% brighter than my Worm on High and medium…
I am not a fan of clicky switches. I like the quiet operation of the twisty. Is that worth the extra cost? Probably not. I can one hand operate the twisties I have and prefer that mode of operation.
the threaded portion on the Maratac head is longer than on the Copper Tool. I don’t like to twist the Tool for that reason. Also the Tool is heavier, and will not tail stand. Not that any of that would stop me from loving a CuTool, IF it was known to be efficient on a light meter test (hint hint)