copper pcb with brass cap

Just found this :-

The specs don’t seem to say, but would it be fair to assume this fits in a 20mm pill? What’s people’s opinion?

It will go into a 20mm but it appears to be made for a 16mm pill.

These seem to have been sold out for a couple of weeks now, I keep checking back in the hope that they’ve got a new batch in…….


Johnnymac, I agree on the board size, but if the boards 16mm, in a 20mm pill, that leaves 2mm for wall.

It doesn’t look like a 12mm star, hence my question. :bigsmile:

Woody, I’d not noticed the stock level, just found them and took an interest as I have a 20mm pill that needs an emitter and driver…

Thats what I found.. also available for XML. MOQ is too high for me tho.

I don’t think I’ve seem a 17mm pill specified, it would make either the wall .5mm or its description is wrong. :~

Be sure to take note of this thread which shows those Int'l Outdoor pcb's are not copper anymore. (Unless this is a newer version and it's changed again.)


If you look on his site at the p60 drop-in he sells, you will see that they use a 16mm mcpcb and these brass emitter caps. Whether they will fit any generic p60 pill remains to be seen. Appears to be a little on the gimicky side to me anyway.

Hmmm, I’ll have to come back to that link, I agree possibly gimmicky though, just it may have worked in my c8 pill. P60’s aren’t a consideration, I don’t own any and don’t plan to. :wink:

My other thought is that if your soldering is not up to scratch, it would make for an interesting time…. And, will a reflector seat properly?

Exactly! It looks like a recipe for a short circuit at the LED to me. :wink:

Yeah, unless there is an insulator on the bottom this is a horrible idea.

I shouldn’t click on links….I now have a 1/2 26650 lxp sat in my cart. :expressionless:

I tried placing an order for XPG copper MCPCBs from that seller in early September, but got a reply saying that they were out of stock and are not going to produce it anymore :frowning:

Seems like it would also interfere with the focus of the led, pushing it down out of the reflector.