CR123 size twisties?

Friend of mine is after a very simple 18350 size twisty with ideally no more than 2 light settings.

He did have a Fenix E15. No magnets, no switch buttons, strobes. I don’t know of anything these days that’s like the old Quark MiNi123 or Fenix E15.

Ideas anyone?

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By the way, an 18350 cell is bigger than a CR123/CR123A cell.
There is no subforum just for 18350 flashlights, though, so feel free to ignore me. :zipper_mouth_face:
Good luck in your search! :+1:

CR123 should be pretty much 16340 size, shouldn’t it?

Does it have to be this size, or just “small with decent battery”? If so, could extend the search to 14500, like a Lumintop EDC15 or similar. Afaik you can get both 16340 and 14500 in roughly the same capacity.

There is a bunch of nice 16340 lights I know of, but I can not remember a single twisty :confused:

Jetbeam Jet-II.

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Oh wow. I haven’t thought about a twisty CR123 light since way back when Shiningbeam would mod the Romisen RC-C3.

Foursevens Mini MK III

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Where in the world are you? I have a Fenix E15.

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He’s in the U.K., according to his profile. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is. I’m getting confused. My brain is going back to AW RCR123 days, long before we were using 18350 with built in charge ports.

Knowing this guy he just wants super simple, either on board charging or a cell with a port. Size must be pocket and have a keychain/lanyard loop. He lives a self sufficient lifestyle, has hens etc, so needs reliability, ease of use, and definitely no magnets as he’ll have a knife, maybe some nails or staples in his pocket.

He’s an actual daily user, so his needs are pretty easy for him to define. Anything 14500 up I reckon.

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I am indeed in the UK, thanks Raccoon :+1:

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Oh no! I’d completely forgotten Dark Sucks took on a few of the 4Sevens lights. I knew this thread may be perilous for my wallet, that MKIII Turbo is fantastic.

Way over budget for Hugh I suspect, he really isn’t going to understand just what he has, and he’d never justify the cost.

Peak LED Solutions makes a twisty that accommodates a CR123 but it won’t fit an 18350. Not sure if they ship to the UK, though.

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Reason I ask is that I have an old but functional E15 that I don’t use. If it’s any good to your friend he can have it.

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That’s really kind mate, thank you. As a creature of habit it might well be the ideal solution, I’ll ask him. Obviously all shipping costs would be covered by myself, and also happy to offer you a token of gratitude in some way maybe?

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Kind indeed! :+1:

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Honestly, it’s fine. It works but it has been pocket-carried and looks a bit worn. If someone can make use of it I’d rather that than it just sit in a drawer.

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Original E15 (cr123a-only tubelight) or was it the second gen (cr123a/16340 with flared out head)?

I had a first gen E15 as my keychain light for a while, eventually went to a Foursevens Mini MkIII because the keyring hole got too thin on the E15. It’s a little bigger and not cheap, but the UI is customizable and it has a decent emitter.

Another option could be a Jetbeam Jet-II MK, though the mode spacing is not that good and the stock emitter is low-CRI CW (just like the E15). Pretty cheap on aliexpress, can be found for less than $30 if you look around

When I wanted to replace my E15 I almost got the Jetbeam, but the Mini MkIII had better modes.

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Apologies for not getting back either way. I put your offer to the guy, but he hasn’t responded as yet re: the Fenix E15.

Not a problem, it’s happy enough in its drawer. TBH I hadn’t even thought about it until you mentioned them. :slightly_smiling_face:

A little different, but the Peak Logan can be had with a 123 body, and a few choices of led.

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