Cree X-Lamp updated forward voltage spec (XP-L, XM-L2, XP-G2)

I’m not sure if this has already been discussed here, but I received this information in an email today.

Due to improved yield, Cree has updated the forward voltage specification for XM-L2, XP-L and XP-G2 emitters. Here is a summary of the updates.

XP-L: Old spec - 2.95V at 1050 mA
XP-L: New spec - 2.84V at 1050 mA
XM-L2: Old spec - 2.85V at 700 mA
XM-L2: New spec - 2.77V at 700 mA
XP-G2: Old spec - 2.8V at 350 mA
XP-G2: New spec - 2.74V at 350 mA

Effective date for reels shipped after:
XP-L: December 6, 2019
XM-L2: October 4, 2019
XP-G2: November 22, 2019

Here is a link to the complete information from Cree:

XP-G2 has surprisingly low Vf!

Thanks for the heads up.

Minor correction: XP-G2 is rated at 350 mA while XP-L is at 1050 mA.

Fixed, thanks