First of all: My question is NOT, how to distingish XM-L from XM-L2 (this I already learned)
I started some weeks ago getting very fascinated by flashlights and headlights. I read/learned a lot and at the same time ordered some cheap “XM-L” and “XM-L2 LED” ones. Now some of them arrived.
As I found on, XM-L and XM-L2 both have got a 5x5mm size. But all of my lights i measured with ABOUT (hard to do it exactly when lights are hard to disassamble) 3,5x3,5mm (only the yellow LED size). So my question about that:
*Does “5x5mm” mean
a) “only the yellow LED” or
b) “the yellow LED INCLUDING that square plot, on which it is placed”. *
The 2nd possibilty would be maby 1-1,5 mm bigger.
This is a crucial issue, because it decides, if the my delivered LEDs hat a wrong description or not (I suppose they are wrong described, also because of beeing not bright at all).
I found no answer to that in the www.
P.S.: How to attach pics here from my Computer (not from www)?
I skale them about 4,3mmx4,3mm total square size… this should be no Cree Size…
Seems I have to improve my measuring method (through the hurdles of lense and dome distortion, distance of the measuring tape to the LED, shaking hands, my old and tired eyes…) to finally find out the holy answer about some of my my sellers: Truth or Lie…
The dome makes the die appear bigger. I don't think think there's anyway around that other than to dedome it. 4.3mm total size measured with good calipers or micrometers does sound wrong. I've got an xm-l2 here that measures 5.02 plus or minus .02 if I trust these Chinese calipers that closely.
Meanwhile I improved my method and measured really about 5x5mm at two of the lights - also they look pretty original XM-L and XM-L2… two sellers told the THRUTH
The third light has got a hardly transparent dome, it looks as there would be 2 “bins” (?) advers and not 2 or three of them parallel. The size is hard to measure, because there is just a very small hole in the aluminium for the emitter. Maby one day I will try my first virgin dedoming with her