I just built my first light using a Convoy C8 Flashlight host plus all parts from Mountain Electronics. I like ramping firmware so I went with Crescendo on a FET + 7135 Driver. I opted for a temp sensor in stead of a turbo timer. I got the light assembled and it works fine. I wanted to enable memory and play around with the thermal control. The firmware flow chart seems to be lacking on details. I searched the net and these forums and found little additional info. I did figure out how to toggle memory on and off but can’t for the life of me figure out how to setup thermal control. By the flow chart 18 taps enters config mode. This must be from on but 18 taps seems to be wrong. I use 16 taps, wait for two blinks then I do a single long tap to enable or disable memory. While trying to figuring this out I enabled thermal control by accident and it must be set to a really low temp as the light starts ramping down within a few seconds at full power. If I throw the light in the freezer for 20 minutes the light holds full power just fine so it must be that the thermal control temp is set too low. Any help greatly appreciated. Seems I cant link to a picture of the flow chart
So when you do your 16 or 18 taps to enter config do you actually count or do you just keep tapping till it stays dim?
I never bother counting the taps to enter config, it’s just confusing and not necessary, just tap till the light stops responding and stays dim. Stop and it’ll blink once then [visually] buzz, you click during this first buzz to enable/disable memory or you wait it out to go to option 2.
You can not change both config options on the same config cycle, if you change the first setting you’re exited out of config.
To get to thermal config simply wait past the first memory config buzzing, it’ll blink twice now and buzz again. Tap during this second buzz and it’ll jump to max and you turn it off when it’s as hot as you want it to get.
Btw welcome to BLF!
^ What CK said.
I wrote and deleted as CK explained better
Welcome to BLF
That did it! I used a CREE XP-L HI V2 1A in this build as it was in stock. I wanted a V3 3C 3A. This LED does not put out enough heat to saturate the heat sink so it never gets much more than body temp. The only way I could figure to effectively disable thermal throttling was a hair drier. Thanks for the help.
It sounds like your battery may be under performing, that LED should be getting plenty hot!
What cell are you running in the light and at what voltage is it? Did you bypass the springs? What wire gauge did you use for the leads from driver to LED?
I questioned the cell I was using so I swapped to a KeepPower 15 amp 3000 mAh cell with the same results. All tested cells were fully charged aka 4.20v. I ordered the driver complete, pre wired with bypassed spring. I have not bypassed the tail cap spring yet as I have been unable to remove the lock ring. Need better tools. I did bypass the tail cap completely as a test and the light still does not get hot. Head temp never goes over 105 F tested using my Raytek.
Update: I dissembled the light to check connections and I found nothing abnormal. I reassembled the light and installed a fully charged cell as above. I can now get the temp up to 112 F. I get the same with the tail cap removed using a jumper. How hot should this light get using the LED listed in a previous post?