CRX Four Year Giveaway

What mod do I like? How about all of them? :smiley:

More precisely, I’m torn between the XHP50 on the T10T, and the 2x10250 Hobi. Both are really really cool.

The EA4 is looking mighty purdy, I’d love to have a 4xAA torch in my lineup :wink:

I like stainless steel but EA4 is better.
Good luck and continue modding.

I like your mod of the Nitecore Tube in a Metal Cube. I think it was the firts time I recognised actively your username.

In case I win I would choose the Nitecore

Wow, you’re doing this for only 4 years and push out mods every few days, nearly daily. I also like when you mount stuff with magnets.

The best on that giveaway is I get to know about your other moded cool lights!
I hope everybody includes a link.

Edit: In the link above there is a list of CRXs older lights. So the rest of us can enjoy even more.

As requested, here are my picks:

• Thrunite T10T XHP50: Thrunite T10T XHP50
• 2x10250 Super Hobi: DQG Hobi XHP50 Mod

I was blown away by your Magnetic Brass Art for this year’s scratch-built contest honoring Old Lumens, creative, beautiful and utilitarian! I would take the Nitecore EA4 as my prize. Congratulations on your Four Year BLF Anniversary.

congrats crx ,I like most of the stuff you build,

but I don’t wish to be in the giveaway,

looking forward to 4 more years of you nifty contraptions,keep it up.

Congratulations on your four years at BLF, and wishing you (and us!) many more.

I love reading all your builds, but the one that BROKE MY HEART was the lighted tail on the Lumentop Ti - I used to love my Ti, now it’s just a normal light…. I also love the HUGE output small lights - lots of fun.

I would be thrilled to own the Nitecore EA4 Triple Nichia, if I should be chosen.

Thanks for the giveaway!

I would like the modified EA4, which is incidentally now my favourite mod of yours, i never thought of building triples that run on AAs, I think of them as Convoy S2s (or similar) that always run on 18650s.
Basically because 4AA is my favourite form factor for a light, Eneloops are far more durable then li ion and can be stored fully charged without losing capacity.

Still thinking about it :wink:


Yeah I will start on drivers at some point but have been putting it off as I know it will become very time consuming for me.


No I don’t usually use a magnifier, my eyes are good but sometimes I do use a loupe to check tiny soldering joints.


I’d like to see a video of that :smiley:


I am very sorry about that :innocent:


Good point.


Thanks for all your comments so far guys :+1:

All your mods are great cant choose the best
Some are quick and dirty others take huge amounts of time
In any case the result is perfect

more like which mods have i not liked……i liked every single mod that you have done! i especially liked all the ones you did about a month or two ago, when you were on a spree with adding clicky switches on all them tiny lights!

please count me in.

I’m not in but I want to congratulate you CRX! :+1:

I’m a fan of the Convoy S6 so my favorite mod of yours is the USB Rechargeable Convoy S6 Triple. It truly is an impressive build.

K18 mod for me.
I wish i can do that on my k18

I would want thw bullet since that will also be my first tritium light

i love all your mods
for example this CRX Cube

Congratulations on 4 years.

They are all really unique, but my favorite was just the head of an S2, I believe, being turned into an entire light. :+1:

Of the 2 lights I would choose the EA4. Thanks


I would love to win the Nitecore EA4 Triple Nichia 219C D260 83CRI my favourite mods.


Bruh I’d like the nitecore just for the glows m8

now dats some cool stuff

Anyone can mod ….
it’s you’re ability to see the possibilities,to expand your expectation and the courage to create .Add to that …the ability to communicate and teach us that we can afford to dream . That’s art at it’s finest .

Nitecore /triple nichia
congrats …4 years

Congratulations CRX! I love your mods.

Not sure if I can pick a single favorite, but one that does come to mind is your Manker E14 with 18500 battery tube mod.

Of the two prize lights, I’d like the CQG Bullet.

Congratulations CRX!!! One of your mods that I like is the UltraTac K18 Brass…great work!!
I would like the EA4 if I win :partying_face: