Really cool, love this sorta thing
nice gifts!
Really interesting, I’d like to be in
Really interested on this… IN
Yes a chance to own a CRX masterpiece is awesome and exciting, thanks for the GAW
Would choose this. a CRX masterpiece YAY
Also that SRK looks really nice and I can vouch for that Ganzo knife, have one, loveit, nice looking knife.
Congrats for your 1000 posts & thanks for the GAW offer.
I don’t own a flashlight like the SkyRay King, but (mainly) I’m always fascinated by the personality of handmade flashlights (and generally handmade stuff), so… please count me in for your GAW, cause I’d really like to win it!
Love a chance at the GAW!
SRK for me…at this point anyway….may edit and change mind.
Cooooool looking custom build though!
Intriguing, im in! Knife looks nice!
I’m in mate - it’d be your custom I reckon……
Awesome! I’m in.
I prefer anything selfmade.
Hmm that SRK looks good too.
It would be a privilege to own one of your hand built creations. Please count me in. Thanks
I sharpened my Ganzo to shaving 15° per side yesterday but it's G6801 and frankly I started to dislike its blocky shape, the G708 looks much more interesting. I'm in.
Have no use for the custom 10440 or SRK.
That carbon light you made looks really good.
Count me in :)
Count me in as well.
Nice light.
I don’t have an SRK, Im in.
Count me in too.
I’d be honored to own a piece of your work. The latest CF light builds you have made are awesome.
I think both lights are cool. Either would be great. I’d like in please, and Thanks for the generous offer.
I’m in but now, there is a grd decision: Nice special built 10440 flashlight or a NW good driven black king? At the moment I would say: Go for the King.