Current status of BLF Member Dennis, (DBSAR)

Hello everyone, - a close friend of DBSAR here posting on behalf of Dennis. i am here to let you all know he is not doing very well heath wise. He says he is sorry for being abesent for the last couple years, but his health has declined. Den just wants to give a great thank you to the BLF community for the support this BLF community gave him, it was his passion for so many years when working on the BLF-LT1 Lantern projects with the great people of the Budget Light Forums community. Dennis said to tell you all keep enjoying the flashlight & lantern enthusiast ambition. BLF was a part of his life for many years & Den enjoyed the BLF community as a family. If he can recover to post a mesasage to all his friends here, he will, but right now he is unable to. Please send good thoughts & prayers to Den (DBSAR) is all i ask. He has scheduled surgery in 2 weeks to try to remove a tumor that is draging him down. While Den is a Canadian and been denying any financial support because of Canada’s weak medical insurance system, Den has rejected any financial support from me or anyone so far. My name is Darren, (am a relative to Den) but I am trying to help him, even though he is a stubborn man. All he said to me a few days ago is "i am going to meet Old-Lumens soon. Who is Old-Lumens i asked him. He would not tell me. Either way, this message is to let you all know of whare DBSAR is and his condition. Sorry in advance to eveeryone here who know him.

33 Thanks

Thank you for the update!
I hope Dennis does well and the surgery goes as planned. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hoping Dennis does well. Waitting for good news.

Hi, I haven’t been a member on here for long. Sorry to hear about Dennis, I hope he pulls through.

This may answer your question Old-Lumens

Sending prayers for a recovery.

Aww, man, I hope it’s only a temporary setback.

Hoping for a speedy recovery and that everything goes right.

Warmest and best wishes to Dennis. Know that he is thought of, with every use of the LT1.

Well wishes Den. Good to hear you have supportive by your side, thanks Darren

All my best wishes to Dennis. May Lady Fortuna shine a light on him.
The OP is clear.
One friend at your table equals/beats a dozen friends online.

He is a legend here and to many elsewhere as well.
Glad to know him and having interacted with him over the years.
Great knowledge of what was needed in an affordable lantern.
Here’s to some good days ahead :+1:

1 Thank

Besides a legend, he’s probably a fighter!
So, Den, let’s fight once more! :muscle:
Kind and best wishes to Dennis, and to all that are/have been with him in the “fight”!

And thanks for also making BLF a good place to be :flashlight: :bulb:

Thanks very much to Darren for the update. If possible please give my warmest regards to Dennis, stay strong and keep fighting.

1 Thank

Sending my prayers to Den and family. God protect his body and mind. Peace, strength, provision, and healing in Jesus name.

1 Thank

I second that!

Best to Den! May his recovery be strong, complete and soon. I am reminded of his expertise and passion for this hobby we share every time I use the BLF LT1 lantern. Godspeed!

Wishing that the surgery goes well and he has a quick recovery.

We all miss him. Please convey my best wishes for his recovery.

Thank you Darren,
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst,
Good Wishes to DBSAR,
I lit a led for him
:flashlight::flashlight: :flashlight:

Thoughts and prayers Mr. DBSAR, we’re all pulling for you.

1 Thank

Sad to hear. Praying for him.