Custom convoy body

I had two goes at making this… Stuffed up the first one. No big write up on the build process, just look at the pics.
Torches from left to right [Manker e14 > convoy s3 > convoy s2+ > convoy s6]

31 Thanks

Nice finishing / patina work. Awesome result!

3 Thanks

Thanks Hoop :beers:

3 Thanks

Impressive! :+1:

2 Thanks

Skulls aren’t my thing, but I love this!
Looks beautiful!

4 Thanks

Very impressive!

2 Thanks

It’s superb

2 Thanks

This is the type of thing I’d love to make “if only I had the tools.” But I know this takes a lot of skill and practice, too. Great work!

3 Thanks

Wow, that is some impressive work!

And I like how you have “BLF” inscribed on it. :+1:

3 Thanks

I know everyone has different tastes so that’s quite a compliment.

Thanks everyone :smiling_face:

2 Thanks

Never saw anyone make that kind of custom in house.
Really impressive.
Thanks for sharing.

2 Thanks

Absolutely amazing. Nice machining!

2 Thanks

Dang this is stunning.

2 Thanks

in the photo, an Astrolux flashlight with a copper head, and the tube at the lantern is screwed from the Convoy S6?

3 Thanks

Holy macaroni!

3 Thanks

That’s incredible, though it does make me think the target market would be fans of Pol Pot and a well known second rate Austrian painter.

I’m sure if you made one with Simon Cowell’s face on it, he’d pay you a fortune. (He’s a well known British TV presenter known for his vanity. I’m sure there’s a US equivalent. I can’t think who, mmmm …)

Lol Thanks to the popularity of tv tallent shows in the past 20 years, Simon is Extremely well known over here as well… He’s been a judge/host on several US based shows.

He doesn’t come off very vain over here. Used to be the most well known jerk on tv for a while, but he’s mellowed with age, doesn’t have that reputation much any more.

That light is a manker e14 first version which is the same light as astrolux s41. It is the original body. Only thing that is not stock is the pocket clip

Simon is also known here in aus. I did have to look up Pol Pot though… that correlation seems rather specific for reasons i don’t understand…?

This photo might explain:

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