D3aa aux standby time


Apologies if its been stated. I read through the technical dirver thread. I cant seem to find a clear answer on aux standby drain. Specifically on low.

I can find the draw data for other hank lights. But nothing for the freeman driver or the lume x1.

Given a vapcell H10. How long can i expect? I realise each colour is different. Is there a table? Is it the same as other hank lights?

Same question for lume x1 driver.

Appreciate any help.

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D3AA Auxiliary Current Draw

4 Thanks
D3AA Aux runtime days: high low
900mAh LiIon 1900mAh Eneloop 900mAh LiIon 1900mAh Eneloop
red 10 5 134 79
green 38 23 170 113
blue 27 15 188 132
4 Thanks

5 days on an Eneloop on red. That’s hilarious.

2 Thanks

I NEVER use High Brightness Aux :wink:

I DO like to use Red on Low… its perfect for my nightstand.

5 Thanks

What is the secret to changing the aux level?

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7 clicks.

3 Thanks

Red Arrow:

2 Thanks

Low green aux is my choice. Works great. Thanks for the assistance.

1 Thank

Thanks heaps everyone

Low on a d3aa liion seems a little brighter than my other hanks. Which is a good thing. My d4sv2 is almost imperceptible on low. Even in total darkness

Same here. And personally, I prefer the lower low aux. But then again, at least for the switch, the brighter low on the D3AA has made me aware of the availability of a black switch cover. :grin:

1 Thank

I also wanted to say thanks for hank, thefreeman, toykeeper and whoever else had a hand in this light.
Ever since my trusty and faithful zebralight sc52w suddenly stopped working. There has been a void in my existence :laughing:.
A quality, efficient, compact, great interface dual fuel AA light simply did not exist for me to replace my zebra soldier.
Not only has this light done that. But it has done it with candle mode, aux lights and in red with a 2700k 519a glory.

Only the peeps here can understand.

Idk if that zeb can be revived. Im in Australia. So its not worth trying to send it back. It gave many years of great service. It just up and ceased when swapping a eneloop for a H10. I will keep its lifeless body in my drawer however. Like ashes in an urn.


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