I saw and bought a Darkvim keychain light from Manafont while I were trying to spend my store points on something useful. I then thought they were some interesting, unknown brand as the lines were smooth and the light looked small. Today I realized Darkvim is sold on Buyincoins and Kaidomain too. There are 1xAA, 1xAAA, 2xAAA and 2xAA light so far I could find, and they all look decent enough to buy, have a bit higher price than regular budget lights, though.
Bump. Well actually 2xAA looks promising. It looks like a good alternative to Fenix E21 or a Terralux 200/300 etc. still would like to hear more about its quality. Would be much easier to try if it were below $20.
The body design overall is really good, i like it. Would be much better if they do black matte anodize rather than black and blue combination. Tail cap would be good if they also do some anodize on it, to make light lock-out able.
Looking at the beam shot, the left one is way too bright for 2 x AA light and on the right side it's looks like zoom light with flood mode. I think this beam shot is tricky.