Dead Astrolux EC01-Can it be fixed?

Hello, I have an Astrolux EC01 I purchased a few years ago and I mount it on top of my bike helmet. It makes an excellent light for night cycling and I typically get 1:40 of run time at the top of the ramp. I stick a magnetized Panther Vision Safety Bug red blinker on the back for additional visibility in traffc.

However, I dropped the EC01 from about a foot onto some concrete and it stopped working. The green switch light comes on - so it’s getting power - but no light comes out. Any suggestions? Would it help to reinstall the software or do an update? Does it have some kind of protection setting if it’s been dropped so is there some sequence of switch presses to get it back on? I read the manual and I can’t find anything about how to restore it after a drop. The outside of the light is completely undamaged so I’m kind of disappointed they’re not more durable.

These have been discontinued and I can’t find a replacement that offers the performance and compact size, so I would like to repair it somehow.

Thanks for joining the party, throwsknives!

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If you click the button 7 times do the green LEDs in the button change Low/High/Blink/Off?

Edit: If the button changes, I suspect the LED or the Leads to the LED are damaged.

Do you have the 50.2 or the SST40 version?

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Holy !@#$! I got it to work! I did press it seven times like you said and then I pressed a few other sequences and it lit right up! I got blasted at close range with turbo mode and my right eye was seeing spots for an hour but I don’t mind. So happy to have it back in service and THANK YOU so much for the tip.

This is actually my first Astrolux EC01. I used it for a few months and after it croaked, I bought another one. That was several years ago but I kept the dead one in a drawer, thinking maybe someday someone could fix it. Then I discovered they are discontinued, so that renewed my interest in getting the dead one to work again and began searching for a flashlight discussion board. So now I have a backup in case anything happens to my second one.

If both of these die, what would you recommend for a 21700 light that is the closest equivalent of the EC01? Or should I start a new thread for that question? It’s important any replacement would be no larger physically (due to stowage requirements - I keep it in a Pelican box drilled and bolted to my frame) and have at least just as good performance.

Thanks again! You guys are awesome! What a great community of enthusiasts!

Glad to be here! @INeedMoreLumens helped me bring an Astrolux EC01 back from the dead! Thank you all so much and I will come back here as I have dozens of flashlights and I’m always looking for more and advice on how to get the best use out of the ones I have.

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The D1K would be very close in size but it doesn’t have on-board charging.