So i’m not exactly sure what happened or how but i was putting my unprotected 26650 BASEN to use and BAM! stopped working. It will no longer charge or discharge, and upon a quick little voltage measurement it appears it’s dead, running at 0.80 Volts. Is there any way to save my precious BASEN? I have done about an hour of searching and i fear there is not but i figured it wouldn’t hurt to get a second opinion from someone that knows more than I, Thank in advance, i appreciate any help and or clarification on the death of a lightly used battery.
1. Can you do it?
2. Should you do it?
Probably not. Once you get them down below 2.0v chemical changes occur that increase the probability of very bad outcomes (fire, toxic smoke) when charged and used. Is the increased risk worth $5-10 for you.
3. If/when you replace it you should probably get a protected cell next time.
Noted; I wont even bother trying to fix it, ill just bin it (Edit: $12 dollar learning experience). I have 2 more in the mail and should be here any day. Unprotected are fine for what i’m using them for, It must have been when i was testing voltage drop, shorted the battery, I won’t make the same mistake twice. Appreciate your speedy reply.
Some XTAR chargers have the 0V (as in zero Volt) activation ability. It definitely works on NiMH batteries.
To buy protected batteries is good advice, because my guess is that your “putting to use” was not about flashlights.
if the worst thing that happened is a quiet failure you are doing good.