There was a thread on them a while back. Not from Lightscastle though. I think people liked them but had gotten some that were less than quality. Old with grungy contacts. But it wasn’t lightscastle. I have seen these for a while and keep meaning to pick one up. They are usually about $8 or more so the price is right.
My little 16340 is still in among my future lights to mod.. The screw in pill is probably the thinnest I have ever seen. The aluminium bit below the emitter is about 1mm thick. Its not that mod friendly IMO. When that is said. Less than 5$ is pretty good value.
The STL-V6 have a hollow pill and a large MCPCB (32mm?), atleast if its the original. You can not replace the MCPCB with a 20mm Noctigon. Unless you do like I and build a copper pill inside it. If its the "original driver" its easy to resistor mod to 5A. The price is very good, but I never understood why the light was so expensive in the first place. I know many like/liked the light in the past, but I actually preferred the ZY-T13 over the STL-V6..
i bought the 16340 flashlight, i already have one in NW that i like. i also have 2 more; one with a greenish tint that i don’t like too much, and one is more purple, but with a donut in the hotspot. i hope i get one like my favorite one…
i also bought the 3-mode AA flashlight and a 502B, i have been thinking about buying one of those for a while, hopefully the quality is ok.
didn’t need any of those, just couldn’t stop myself from buying them :zipper_mouth_face:
Thanks for the heads up! Love tiny little 16340 lights!
Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts/ experiences with this one. Also, never bought from lightcastle, perfect place to start - 4 dollar order….curious to see if I will be buying more from them.