Thanks for putting it back, I had posted a few days ago … but could you explain how do to pay $ 27.5 or there is no deal really and it’s an interesting new product? :~
sorry, I stop post a new articles banggood. I thought people liked to see the new items that are on flashlights in BG.
Some days banggood published several pages of new articles and not everyone sees the “interesting” clearly, here was going publish the most interesting, as the thread of fasttech but as annoying, I stop.
This thread is better than the fasttech thread.. someone just getting affiliate money, for the money.. Not for helping ,contributing or paying anything back to the community.
I hope at least, what I do is consider SPAM under this :exmark: EDIT: seems to have been banned
Sorry I can not be helpful to the community if I contribute something almost always going to be questions because I have much to learn here around people who have as much knowledge, this was one of the few ways to trying to help. If are bothered by AF and put links without them, as I have seen in other post, I thought you were not annoying, not’ll put