DGQ Tiny Smallest 18650 / Any Good

I’ve just come across the DQG Tiny which seems to be one of the smallest 18650’s around but have also seen a few negative comments … has anyone experience of this torch and if so good / bad

Be interested to hear any feedback / comments and other suggestions but it’s about finding the most pocketable but decent 18650 and prefer something whilst not a dedicated thrower but something that ideally has “reasonable” throw …. was comparing to the ZL 62/63 although this is a smidge smaller and a LOT less money …. just aware of the buy cheap buy twice saying and the one I go for will hopefully be a long time keeper.

It’s a nice light, really, but the LED has very little cooling.
It actually has no thermal path to the body of the flashlight. :person_facepalming:
Also the momentary switch is prone to snap off the PCB.
The switch is only held in place by tiny soldering spots…

Really small lightweight light but with reflector so its not all flood
Coupon s21h for 26.59€

They use DTP stars like in the headlamps

A little more expensive, but very attractive i.m.o.:

they really are small, and bright.
i was the person who had 2 of them fail though, so i can’t recommend them
one had the switch quit working AND come off the solder pads, the other one just quit for no known reason
maybe i’m hard on them, i don;t know
i also broke an XTAR WK42 somehow

Lexel … cheers for the suggestion but it’s quite a bit longer … really am after small!!!

Jerommel … that looks quite interesting … will do some research!!!

wle … must admit your comment of having had 2 is what would put me off and seems such a shame … at the end of the day the one thing you want a torch to be is reliable !!

other than them breaking ( and me with 2 EE degrees unable to fix them ) - they were both great!
one of them was on sale for $14 and i got half of that refunded but still…
i dropped them maybe 3 or 4 times
but the breaking did not happen right after a drop, so may have not been relevant

i KIND of think it may be a heat sinking issue, maybe i dropped or jarred the light during or after TURBO mode and the poorly heat sinked board was close to the melting point of solder


for a replacement i might say the manker U11, but it is bigger, and the light levels are all very bright, i wouldn;t even call the lowest one LOW.
seems better made though.
and it has built in charger
annoying UI (press buttons too fast and it goes into disco flash mode)

That was one of the others I’d looked at along with the Niteye EC-26R which is quite interesting … I know I’m being totally anal about it and it is down to the size as much as anything … I may end up with a ZL 62 / 63 but didn’t really want to spend that much so was looking at alternatives and the DGC was smaller which appealed.

I have both the BTU and the DQG Tiny. They are very similar. The BTU is made of titanium, has no knurling on the body and is slightly longer. Of the two, I prefer the DQG. The titanium head on the BTU gets too hot to be comfortable.

However, if you want to emitter swap the BTU might be a better choice. It’s longer because unlike the DQG, it uses a separate star and driver board. Swapping the emitter should be easy.

The DQG Tiny IV is an excellent light. It’s the smallest 18650 light around, has a good beam pattern, and good tint. Output in turbo is respectable, but due to the small size and lack of heatsinking don’t expect to run at max power for long.

The size is great for pocket EDC. It’s the same size as many 14500 lights, but with more output and longer runtime.

Probably because it has a proper thermal path from LED to body…
A tiny light SHOULD get hot at 2+ Amperes.

This is exactly what my thoughts were and appealed about it …. I have a couple of really good AA’s but the run time is average … I also have some reasonable 18650’s but they’re noticeably bigger and thought this may be a solution between the two.

Maybe I should just bite the bullet and hope I get a good one.

Agree with Jerommel especially regarding the switch, broke the 18650’s first day just attempting to double click, did exactly the same thing with the newest DQG Tiny 26650, broke the switch but not until I had dedomed all but two LEDs in one simple turn of the bezel, couldn’t believe it, got the light hot went to unscrew the bezel and didn’t press down on the optics and did the best dedome I’ve ever done and wasn’t even thinking about it, what shock frankly, I’m thinking this will me my last DQG, well for awhile anyhow.

I have DQG and BTU. DQG feels much better in hand, it’s really great for its size. I think it is superceded by the recently released Tiny 26650, however, which is a really outrageous light, brightest light for its size I’ve ever seen, finish very similar to Tiny 18650.