I just did my first de-dome. It was on a cheap C8 from MtnElectronics (Supfire MZ-2). XP-E with side clicky soft switch only. (No switch in tailcap.)
I just took off the whole head, unscrewed the driver and pill, tried to hang the pill down, and soaked it about 3 hours (about an hour longer than intended).
At some point early on, the head fell over in the metal can. Not long after, I righted it. I figured the gasoline would not harm any of the electronics.
The de-dome went very well (or so I thought)! So when dry, I screwed everything back up, and I noticed the side clicky still had spring, but no “click”.
I put a battery in, and… nothing!
Did I kill this thing?
I can’t even figure out how this side switch comes out (not that I’d know what to do if I did).
I bought this for my parents (hard time with tailcaps, or actually anything beyond on/off), but decided to try some mods on a cheap flashlight beforehand.
PS I did squirt the LED with some isopropyl alcohol per another BLF’er in lieu of toothpicking any dome remnants/goo (75% in my case). Not sure if any got in the head, but I’d think the gasoline to be worse.