Did my MecArmy Illuminex-2 vent?

So I received my MecArmy Illuminex-2 in the mail the other day. Got it home and opened it up. The first thing that I noticed is that I couldn’t get the battery out. I didn’t have my tweezers so I left it in and plugged it into the USB. I noticed that the red light kept turning on and off and would turn green and back to red. I turned the light on and it ran for a few minutes and then quite. After that I tried plugging it back into the USB and it only put out a red light.

Eventually I got home and got some tweezers and pulled the battery out.

This is what I found.

so of course I’m pretty upset about the whole thing. Had this thing of become a grenade in the car while I was driving that would not have been good. After closer inspection there is a long thin spring that touches the positive to the battery. I have a suspicion that it kinked off to the side and shorted the battery.

I’m assuming this happened before I ever opened it as the battery was already fused in there when I got it. Because I think if this would have happened in the car a few feet from me I would have smelled something or been exposed to nasty horrible chemicals.

So is this just a minor leak? did the battery vent? what do you guys think?

It definetely vented at some point. You can clearly see the crack in the second photo.

Now that I look at it I also think it is bulged at the end

MecArmy have a good warranty, so I would get in touch with them. I’ve had no problems with my two Illuminex lights.