Hello everybody.
Since I have only looked around to good lamps and neglected the Batteries now I would like to acquire now also halfway knowledge like that.
I have some lamps so far (Imalent DX80, Astrolux MF02, Lumintop SD75 / Dedicated, Manker U11,
Ituo Wiz 20, Nitecore HC30, Skilhunt H03R, Nitefighter BT21, KD MJ-880 Clone, 8x Yinding, Nitefighter BT40 Mod, Solarstorm X2.
Currently I own some Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mah Protected Button Batteries and a Xtar VC4 Charger!
I have now but on advice for the Astrolux MF02 4x Samsung 18650 Q30 3000mah ordered!
I need batteries in the near future and wanted to ask if you can help me!
According to common sense would be hot all the more mAh the longer the lamp burns and hochstromfest means for me that they can hold max current longer, right?
Should I buy more high-current a la Q30 now with less mAh or more mAh and no high current fixed?
Q30, what does that mean, are there any other high-current denominations or what do they deplore?
Which lamps exactly need high current resistant batteries now (examples)?
Protected means protected for me, that is, they should switch off in case of overload or under-voltage, is that correct?
If you prefer to use protected or non-protected, the non-protected version will probably offer more, but what about the security (explode-degas, etc.).
How dangerous are 18650 or 26650 batteries?
Maybe you can give me a few test winners of 18650- prodected non prodected, 18650 Q30 or 26650 batteries?
My Xtar VC4 device charges 2 batteries with 1 Ah with 4 batteries with 0.5 Ah that is relatively slow, there are faster good cheap (up to 50 Euro) chargers that charge faster or is the battery still good or harmful ( Lifespan)?
But it should be a charger that can charge at least 4 batteries at the same time!
How do I keep my batteries safe, I’ve heard of battery safety bags,
Do the batteries burn out or explode immediately? How safe is it if I put many batteries in a safety bag?
Is there a difference if the battery is broken, protected or non protected?
How do you keep your batteries where and how many?
Questions about asking, I hope you can help me with that? Thank you in advance!