Different Answers,Opinions - What is the Truth based on Scientific Data?

Doesn’t mean they can’t make mistakes.
Also their claimed issue of parasitic load (they misuse the term) can be checked for yourself as i mentioned.

Sophisticated equipment? There are apps that can put a little stress test on your battery for a few minutes and report on its health. That’s like watching somebody run a hundred yard dash and then trying to predict how they’re going to do in a marathon. There’s a lot of room for error.

You don’t have to give any details about your job. Only indicate how that data was culminated and then reinterpreted into your generalized claims. Telling me to Google search is not just a cop-out, it’s an insult. YOU say you have data. I’m not going to try replicating it by combing the internet for days. Frankly at this point, I’ve exhausted my patience. Not going to waste more time trying to get blood from a stone.

What is scientific data? Research done by some scientists and peer reviewed by other scientists?

I don't care about that, as other scientists may not be willing to objectively peer review someone else's work because of biased interests, which is bad. In some way or another, scientists or anyone else are reality co-creators. If you do believe correctly, you get correct results. When you don't, you don't. Most people is not aware of the beliefs or mind patterns they hold in their minds, and I am namely speaking about the subconscious mind, and about subtle negative energies unseen by the physical eye which can be manipulating them. This is a very long subject, but in summary, this is all I am going to say in this regard.

In essence, I believe the thread creator has been misled. However, nothing is random, and this is something he/she must correct in his/her mind. Until this is done, he/she will still be bitten by the cobra.

That Gauss fellow was likely misled. I greatly esteem HKJ, by the way.

In my lightful opinion, much of the above are unnecessary restrictions, and incorrectnesses.

First of all, smartphone batteries feature built-in battery management systems, circuits which prevent a battery from being over-discharged. Years ago I could record the lowest cut-off voltages I could obtain using 3C Battery Monitor with my Moto G smartphone, and these never hit below ≈3.14V. Mind you, I can leave a li-ion cell with just 2.8V or even 2.5V sleeping for weeks or more, and at the end of this period retest the cell to notice no discernible capacity or health loss. There are two main traits to evaluate a battery's health: its capacity and average discharge voltage, both of which equate into available output energy. Variations in average discharge voltage for a given load mean the battery's internal resistance changed.

Not using your battery between 0 to 20% or 0 to 30%? This is an absolutely useless restriction.

Don't charge battery overnight? Don't charge battery while watching videos? LoL!

I do charge my battery overnight, and I do charge it while watching videos, without any issues. Also, I guess you are not a smartphone gamer. Are you going to tell a smartphone gamer don't charge your battery while gaming? :D

If you charge your smartphone while giving load to the smartpone's SoC, some of the power intake from the power adapter will go to the SoC, and the rest will be used to charge the battery. This means the stress on the battery will probably be higher, but only because the temperature of the smartphone is higher when the SoC is in a high load. If you want to reduce this stress (the stress of using the smartphone while charging), employ a “not so fast” charger or power adapter, something like a standard 5V 2.4A unit. This will reduce the battery charging speed and stress, namely with high SoC loads (gaming and etc.).

Turning off the phone while charging the battery by itself does nothing; this is because smartphones are in a deep sleep state when unused and their power consumption is nearly null, namely if set in airplane mode. So this is an unnecessary hurdle. You will also have to watch how high does it go if you aim to prevent it going above some state of charge value anyway, or…

If you have a rooted system, you can use Battery Charge Limit, a software which will automatically stop your battery charging once it reachs a certain SOC or state of charge value, and restart it under some threshold. This is a kick ass software. :THUMBS-UP:

Here's lightful information: BU-808: How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries @ Battery University

Modern smartphone li-ion chemistries use higher maximum charge voltages than the more standard cylindrical li-ion cells, it is usual to see values of 4.35V or 4.4V.

I do “0 to 65%” (nowadays with Battery Charge Limit software) as a general rule (I focus on minimizing any high voltage stresses), with this I mean I don't hesitate to allow it going as low as needed, and my batteries last for ages. I also disable the usual 15% low battery notification, something which for me is a useless annoyance. This also has the benefit of always charging at maximum speed, because at ≈65% the battery is likely not yet at maximum charge voltage, and therefore battery input current is not yet tapered.

This is my particular experience. But essentially, you'll get whatever you believe, if you know what I mean.

Sat, 08/21/2021 - 15:19; Mon, 08/23/2021 - 10:49

Someone with a 4 letter name just won the Patronizing Award. :person_with_crown:

Excellent, i will add it to my collection :student:


Ok buddy…stop being so critical.

BTW Did you read the word that prefaced sophisticated equipment? I said SUPOSSEDLY.So your rant is irrelevant. :wink:

In any event I would think their equipment is better than the apps like Accubattery.

To be honest i doubt it. A full cycle is the best way to measure capacity.
That said it worked in your favour, you are getting a new battery :slight_smile:

Well, you can call me a jerk. But I’m not the one who made a sweeping generalization, claimed it was founded on real data, but then refused to divulge what that data is. It’s disingenuous. And really, for a member who has been around for 9 years, you’d expect a more friendly, helpful attitude. Instead, it’s a snubbing high brow ridicule with insult. It’s almost as bad as Jerry Seinfeld with “I choose not to answer,” but without the comedy. You want to side with him? Fine. No need to respond.


And then you decided to become obnoxiously obtuse. I wasn’t asking about your specific job. But “being in the industry” means you have some credible statistics to back up “MANY people find their battery is toast AFTER A YEAR OR TWO,” which doesn’t match with my anecdotal experiences for myself, friends, and family. So, I’d like to hear how this was arrived at. Better & more reliable than what might turn up on a Google search. You could have cited this, without revealing your job, your company, or what have you. No harm no foul. Any sensible person would see that. Instead you tell me to go off and Google it myself.

Open Google searches can send you on a wild goose chase. It’s all about who provides that data. You have it. I didn’t say you promised it, but if you were a decent, helpful person on this forum, you’d provide info. That’s the reality of what transpired. I really thought you were better than this.

Wow, this is almost as much fun as “Great taste!” / “Less filling!”.


Reminds me of this clip :smiley:

"Give him the breathalyzer!"

Data, Data, Expert, Random BS.

Bottom line, you will grow tired of your Name brand Cellphone or find it woefully outdated well before the battery gives up no matter how you chose to charge it. (Unless it is an Apple product, then no guarantees)

94% may as well be 100%, the software isn’t THAT precise.
Don’t sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things :slight_smile:


Yup :laughing:

And that all three are filled from the same source

And the tartar control Duff :open_mouth:

I was just going to post the last 20 seconds but you need the whole clip for context.

How's everything in NYC?

I hear a pretty rare hurricane should be hitting Long Island sometime today/tomorrow.

I have given you the information i am willing to divulge. I get that its not as much as you want but the level of detail i have gone into is the maximum i am willing to provide.

Someone once said free advice is worth what you paid for it.

You are free to do your own research beyond what i have said in this thread (as i have made many posts with information) and if you ultimately disagree with my statements then thats fine. No one is under any obligation to believe what i have said or follow my advice. In fact i encourage you to look further into what i have stated if you wish to do so.

Your not going to get more out of me than i am willing to give.

Looks like you made it out of the storm last night. :THUMBS-UP: I was picturing a scene yesterday where you're geared up in survival gear and floating down the river lol!

Guess what?

1.Some people keep their phones longer than 2 years.

2.A phone that I have had for 6 days (when I posted OP) and has a battery at 94% capacity is not acceptable.If it is for you fine.I am getting a new OEM battery for Free.

These forums will never change. You have strong personalities who are very opinionated,and some who have control issues and a lot of know it alls who are abrasive in their deliveries.

Live and Let Live.

I'm just glad I don't have to lug around a giant Motorola like back in the day! 8^) :D