DINODIRECT - Devious or just idiots? Edit - Correct item arrived.

I wonder if they have ever sent pics of some inflatable adult items to the wrong account. That could be extremely humorous.

Seriously, DON'T worry about your money. Coolperl will apparently refund you.

OK, coolperl, I apologise for venting my frustration with Dinodirect at you, even though your comments were inflammatory.

On reflection, (and beer), I have realised that the reason I buy from DD, DX, Kai, et al is because I enjoy not knowing what I'm going to receive, all these vendors do usually, eventually make good on my purchases, and the compensation for messed up orders is often worth the wait. Paypal is always there as the last resort.

I guess you need to be playing the long game here, my mistake was buying myself an expensive xmas present from DD and expecting the transaction to be completed before next year.

So... apologies to anyone I may have offended, I'm gonna go all Zen over this, and wait and see what happens.

Summer has been in touch with me, and I'm sure this will all be sorted eventually.

Gee i was excited that cool perl was speaking his mind even though lots of people were thinking ...those stinking rich guys get all the good lip phones ...

my lack of tact was gonna be closer to budgeteers comment about spending 130$ and then ....(whining crying, yelling and insulting) on BLF ...i think for 130$ you get to complain on CPF ..Hell for 130 you get to freak out on anyone anywhere anytime ..the lips pic is too damn funny though . i think talking to summer would have been my first course of action but thanks for the lipspic ..too fun .!!

WTG cool perl give em hell....(V60c is a really bad phone)

WtG tim817 for buying a crushingly expensive light ...and not bragging that they are sending you styrofoam

WTG Pantaloonie For taking the heat and coming out of the kitchen with a smile ..stay in your happy place .

wtg summer for helping out

I thought they were sending you ... the kiss of death :P

I just thought the packer fancied him............................

I Don't think DD would give any problems, i mean not all my experiences have been smooth (faulty V10A but giftcarded so i got a new one + batteries, 3 different orders/purchases of TF Flames and also giftcarded as well to buy again plus some additional which i got 18350s). But everything has been settled to my satisfaction.

This is not smooth...


(BTW, lightake is NOT Lightmalls, my experience with Lightmalls has been very positive)


That’s like DD’s real mascot.

Damn, that's even uglier than the lips phone.

Wanna swap? ;)

This comment really cracked me up! Simple and to the point! LOL

I'm sure you'll get your correct torch one way or another but I totally understand your freaking out when you saw the lips phone. I'd panic too after dropping that much coin on a light and seeing that pic. The product description on the pic is accurate though so I wouldn't worry. If the description said you were getting lips along with the pic of the lips then I'd really worry. Good on you for apologizing though. ;)

please dont forget to update us

I just had the same experience over the weekend! I ordered a nitecore EX-11 and they sent me a picture of the Nitecore EZ-AA! At least the prices are similar so I will just try to sell it on when it shows up.

That's not mine, and it was from Lightake. :)

Invisible flashlight. :D

Does everyone, every customer, every order get a picture (photograph)? Or is there any condition (fee paid, ..) upon it?

i have ordered something from them too but dont see any photo anywhere *sniff*

I am not sure. The subject is always "review your package pictures", in case your email client or webmail provider supports search.

Thanks. Even when one orders a little thingy (2.00$ cart value) they send out email with pic? (My order is still being processed. Packaging. ..)

are devious idiots, usually they send photos for all, but sometimes forget or give the wrong 1 xD

This is good to know. Then i have visual proof that they've sent out the wrong item (in case they sent out an item which doesnt match the product title).


Nice,the lip type phone was occupied,and ask for what you add to the cart!

That's the only email so far i received from them. No other email with photos..

At least they finally shipped it!

quote all pls... I said that xD

[quote] are devious idiots, usually they send photos for all, but sometimes forget or give the wrong 1 xD [/quote] you can be sure of what them shipped just when u will put your hand in the white package XD